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Toph Beifong lounged around rather comfortably in her swampy home. Legs crossed as she awaited for things to unfold. As before her still laying unconscious on the floor; a brilliant glow of Raava present upon her very flesh was Aisuya. The slumbering Maiden, who's connection to the Avatar and the Spirit World was like no other. She was a fragment. A piece of the Avatar. Necessary for the duties of the Avatar to be carried out. Toph knew this. As Aang had eagerly shared the details with Toph. No matter how gritty they maybe. She recalled scolding Aang for allowing the Avatar Spirit to be broken in two. As it was unheard of and most to all, to others it was unsightly. A complete disregard for the well-being and cycle of the Avatar.

Still Toph could not fathom the power to split the Avatar in two, and yet the proof lay before her. Aisuya was living proof of this. With a deep sigh Toph waited patiently for Aisuya to awaken. And soon she got her wish, as the intense glow of the Avatar faded from Aisuya as the young woman released an audible gasp into the air. Her very body trembling upon her spirit finally returning to her. Panting Aisuya surveyed the area around her, her cerulean orbs falling upon Toph. "About time you came around, I was getting bored." Toph commented with a smile as Aisuya then realized who she was. "Your Toph." "That's my name,don't wear it out." Toph mused, earning a small smile from Aisuya. Who needed some joy at the moment. As Aisuya's mind continued to roam back to events in the "Spirit World." Avatar Wan and his history with the otherworldly beauty; Hye. The bond between the two was so much more than love. Something that caused Aisuya's heart to ache at the thought.

It was something Aisuya wanted, she knew this. But what she didn't know was if the person she was meant to spend the rest of her days with was Korra. Was it a choice of her own? Had this been preordained? Pressing her hands to her temple, Aisuya continued to think on that fact. Unaware of Korra whom had made it to the center of the swamp. Korra's eyes immediately falling upon Aisuya. The hesitant Avatar opening her mouth to speak to Aisuya. Hoping to clear the air about the events prior. But the words escaped her. Balling her right hand into a tight fist, Korra cursed her own cowardice. Though almost as if she sensed Korra; Aisuya turned her head. A startled expression washing over Aisuya at the appearance of Korra. As she too was unable to even speak a single word to Korra. The uncertainty filling Aisuya entirely and causing a certain heaviness to fill the air.

"Damn Twinkle toes, lighten up the room or something."Mocked Toph as she playfully elbowed Korra in the side. Making the Avatar wince at the elderly woman. "S-Sorry Toph." "Don't apologise, now I know your here for a reason. And I'm not one to beat around the bush. So let's get to it, shall we?" Toph stated as she stepped out of the comforts of her hut and back into the swamp. Impaiciently waiting for Korra to follow. But she hesitated. Korra truly wishing to say something to Aisuya. She detested this awkwardness between the two. And yet still Korra still couldnt find the words. But then sometimes words were not needed. Katara taught Korra this. And just perhaps she could put Katara's teaching to good use.

Taking a deep breathe, Korra walked up to Aisuya. Who immediately turned her back to Korra, unable to look the beautiful Avatar in the eye. Seeing this Korra then placed a hand upon Aisuya's shoulder. An instant volt of electricity shot through Korra's fingertips. Seeping into every pore of Aisuya and even Korra herself. Both of them felt a sense of warmth. Comfort, and most of a a deep seeded yearning which caused the two mocha skinned women to meet eachothers gaze. Though unable to speak, their eyes seemed to speak for them. Aisuya's eyes soon glossed over with tears. Which she struggled to push at bay, but it couldn't be helped. Korra then brought her hand to Aisuya's cheek, gently wiping away the brimming tears of the gorgeous woman before her.

Korra smiled warmly towards Aisuya, almost as if to reassure her that all would be well. Nodding quietly towards Korra all the while sniffling. Quietly Korra left the small but, leaving Aisuya quietly to stew in her own thoughts. Though her body continued to almost covet the tender touch of Korra. Secretly wishing for more. To be near her. To touch her, to even...kiss her. With these thoughts in mind, Aisuya lay upon the pallet. Taking these thoughts and the sensation of Korra's touch into her own dreamland. Hoping that once she had awaken, the two women could speak about the past events. Oh how Aisuya prayed.

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