Battle of Wills

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With her hands crossed behind her back, mind in deep thought as one of the woman's underlings approached. The young man scanning the tall and confident woman from head to toe. Bearing the traditional earth nation colors, the woman wore a Zaofu uniform. Trimmed in metal which could be used to subdue the enemy. The woman held a light complexion, her eyes almost catlike, symbolizing how very cunning the woman could be. Her black hair was tied and pulled into a simple bun. The woman not wishing to draw any attention away from her goal.

"The Great Uniter" stood before her impressive army. Each clad in the gear of Zaofu; and all awaited her very command. With her hands behind her, the woman strode pass the first line of men. Eying them silently before deciding it was time to make her speech. A small moral boost for her men, though in truth they were useless sheep. Ones she would easily sacrifice to achieve her goals. Standing before her vast army; Kuvira spoke. Her voice riddled with utter determination. To end the lives of all those who stood before her. For only her purpose mattered. To unite all under the heel of "Earth Empire". Governed by Kuvira alone. She would make sure of this. Though moments after her speech; her fiancee Bataar Jr. rushed to her side. Anxiety. Evident upon his features as he relayed a message to Kuvira. But the news only brought a confident grin on her face. "Let the Avatar come, even she will fall victim to our might." Kuvira stated rather confidently. Her sheer confidence stilling the frazzled Bataar Jr. Who immediately bowed his head, an apology to his superior officer and future wife. Knowing he had shown weakness and that was something that they could not afford. And something that Kuvira highly detested.

"Worry not, prepare yourselves. We will greet Avatar Korra, and she will now before me." Kuvira stated, her cold eyes trained on the horizon; where Korra had been recently sighted. She would come soon, and even Korra would cower in fear of Kuvira. Yes, Kuvira would make sure of that. After all Korra was only human, she could handle that. All the while in the distance; riding atop of a large feline was Avatar Korra and Aisuya. The two women's eyes trained on the task at hand, as the large "Earth Empire" camp came into view. Lined with hundreds of men, each putting their very lives on the line for their leader. For they feared her wrath more than the Avatar itself. All the while soaring above Korra and Aisuya on their trusty Sky Bison was Milo, Ikki and Jinora. While the more confident Opal, daughter of Suyin Beifong. Had become an amazing Airbender. The young girl able to soar above like the birds themselves. "There's a army down there! Korra are you sure this is a good idea?" Opal asked her voice carrying across the very winds.

"Don't have much of a choice, someone has to stop her." Korra informed the group as Sesi then neared the camp. The large feline slowing it's pace, giving Korra the opportunity to slide off the creature. Approaching the great army where Kuvira awaited at the front. Though Korra's arm was grabbed by Aisuya herself. Her gaze downcast and upon the ground as she spoke. As Aisuya couldn't shake the feeling of unease which filled her so. " careful  Korra." Aisuya whispered, her words causing a warm smile to make itself known to Korra. As Korra dared to turn towards the breathtaking woman. Not caring if any or all people saw her actions. It did not matter. With the warm smile of hers, Korra reached her right hand up. Caressing the cheek of Aisuya. Her touch sending electricity shooting through Korra's fingertips. Traveling into Aisuya's own body, turning her gaze to Korra. Unable to stop from looking Korra in the awe. Aisuya found herself gazing into the calm cyan orbs of Korra which brought an immense sense of joy to Aisuya's very soul.

"I'll be okay, I'll come back to you. I won't leave you again." Korra swore, tenderly planting a kiss upon Aisuya's forhead. Causing the mocha skinned women to turn a bright scarlet. Unable to hide her embarrassment infront of Jinora, Opal and the others who eyed Aisuya curiously. Shyly Aisuya took her place on the sidelines behind Korra. Who bravely strode up towards Kuvira. A tall and forboding woman who screamed superiority even to Korra herself. The steel clad woman spoke to Korra, informing her that the World did not need Korra any longer. For a new "Uniter" had come to bring balance to the world. And that was Kuvira herself. The newly claimed "Great Uniter" with a proud smirk on her face. Angrily Korra stepped forward stating that only the Avatar could provide balance to the world. Both spiritually and physically. No normal human could do so. Korra called out Kuvira. Calling her a dictator in desguise which enraged Kuvira so much that she attacked.

Sending two metal bands soaring towards Korra who blocked the onslaught with a pillar of rugged earth. The bands sticking into the slab of rock, but Kuvira was not done. She then charged, bounding over the slab of rock. Now manipulating her metal coiled rope which Kuvira held on her bracers. The metal rope coiled around Korra's right wrist and ankles. Jerking Korra out of the safety of the rock and skidding upon the rough earth below. Grunting in pain, Korra with her bare hands struggled to break the rope apart. But to no avail, and only ended up giving Kuvira the opportunity to drag Korra across the earth. Flinging her with such ferocity that Korra's very back hit a sharp point on a particular rock. Its fine point hitting the very center of Korra's back.

The act alone sending a shockwave of pain coursing through her body like no other. The shockwave, like swelting fire. Burning into the very fabric of Korra's soul. A pain that one of her past lives once felt. Avatar Aang, as the brave Avatar had been struck by lightning by Princess Azula. Nearly ending the Avatar cycle there. It was also said that Aang would have vivid nightmares of the traumatic event. And Korra now realized why. This familar sensation. A pain that filled Korra was unified. A part of her, as even Aisuya herself felt it's harsh reality. Aisuya suddenly falling to her knees with Opal and Ikki at her side. The young girl's filled with concern for Aisuya, unsure of what was going on. But Jinora felt it, an almost mirror of Korra herself. A string of fate that tethered Aisuya and Korra together. As one. "No way." Jinora breathed, earning a question from Opal. But Jinora shook her head, unsure if she should even speak of what she saw.

Deciding to stay silent, Jinora held the trembling hand of Aisuya. Quietly reciting a mantra in hopes of comforting Aisuya in this trying time. As Korra herself continued to be pummeled by Kuvira. Large boulders slamming into Korra's body with a fury. Crimson liquid falling at Korra's feet, her own vision blurred. But Korra refused to back down. She continued to stand, taking a deep breathe. As the pain in her limbs screamed as one Korra's eyes were overcome by the glow of Raava. While at the same time the tattoo upon Aisuya's back began to glow as well. Almost as if Aisuya was reacting to the very call and will of Korra. With the power of Raava behind her eyes Korra attacked with a flurry of kicks; a trail of blazing fire following each kick. It's flames scorching Kuvira and forcing her to back away slightly. No seeing the might of the Avatar in person.

Kuvira then eyed the curious fallen form of Aisuya who seemed to glow as did Korra. A curiosity growing within Kuvira, and that smirk of hers larger more than ever. But her smirk faded as Korra was surrounded by a flurry of a twister. Fire spewing from Korra's lips which caused many of the soldiers to flee. But Kuvira did not. Through her roars Korra continued to attack though her body suddenly cunvulsed as the glow of Raava left her. Leaving Korra falling to the ground with a loud thud. Korra groaned in pain as she strained to stand only to be blinded and bound by metal bands belonging to Kuvira. Who smirked declaring a victory over the Avatar to her cheering army.

But soon Kuvira soon became rigid, her body twisting and turning at many unnatural angles. Without her approval. Kuvira released a cry in pain, demanding to know who was doing this to her. Who had dared such a inhuman act? With Bataar Jr. By her side. Doing his best to aid his fiancee who cried out in difiance and anger. Bataar Jr.'s eyes landing upon the woman who dared to harm his wife. As Ikki, Opal and the others moved to rescue Korra. One woman stood firm, the captivating cerulean eyes bore into Bataar's. The will of the woman unshaken, her arms to her sides. But her eyes held a mighty power that bid those who earned her wrath; feel it's retribution. Cursing the woman Bataar Jr screamed at her, along with Opal and even Korra herself. Korra's voice enough to awaken Aisuya from her apparent trance. Quickly climbing atop of Sesi, the group took off into the vast lands. Creating as much space between them and Kuvira as much as possible. But Kuvira and Bataar Jr still raged. Bowing revenge on the Water Tribe woman who accompanied Korra. They swore it.

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