Beginning of The Journey

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As the suns morning rays began to beat upon the ebony skin of Aisuya, whom had taken shelter in one of the twin beds. All the while Korra herself lay outstretched across her bed, snoring quite loudly. Which only caused Aisuya to crack a smile as she begun to awake from her slumber. Slowly rising from her bed, and stretching her arms up towards the sky itself. Aisuya released a gentle yawn into the morning air. A smile forming once her ocean blue orbs landed upon the sleeping vision of Korra. Who seemed for the first time in a long time to be having a very wonderful dream.

Slipping out of her bed and allowing her bare feet to graze the shivering surface of the floor. Awakening Aisuya almost fully before the curvaceous woman began her morning routine in the restroom. Brushing her teeth, washing her face. Except this time Aisuya decided to change her hair for abit. After all today was a special occasion. Pulling her raven locks up into a messy bun. Propped up with a simple blue butterfly comb.

With a bright smile and the sudden rush of happiness, Aisuya decided she would pack for the journey ahead. Knowing that it would only make things easier for Korra in the transition to another place. Careful not to awaken to sleeping avatar, Aisuya began to pack her things away. Clothes, hair products, down to even food. All though Aisuya left some food out for she and Korra to enjoy on the journey ahead. Soon Aisuya found herself waltzing out the door welcomed by the warm rays of sunlight which rained upon her. Releasing a sigh of relief Aisuya was also greeted by her dear companion Sesi. A fairly large white and black leopard. Who's stalked over to Aisuya happily.

Immediately rubbing its head against Aisuya's hand, causing her to smile. Running her slender fingers through Sesi's fur, hearing a deep purr emerging from the large feline. Missing his master's soothing touch. "Good morning Sesi, how are you today?" Aisuya began using a baby voice as she spoke to Sesi all the while rubbing his chin in just the right spot. "Today is a big day Sesi, are you ready?" Aisuya asked her feline companion, Sesi nuzzling his face into Aisuya's neck. Almost as if acknowledging the fact of his master's request. Asking Sesi to wait a moment, Aisuya began to grab her things.

Preparing to place them upon the back of the harness, which Sesi wore. The compartment was quite sizable,made of leather. Enough space for Aisuya's belongings and Korra's as well. Beginning to place her things in the harness, Aisuya was so into her work. The young waterbender did not realize that Korra had awakened. And was infact watching her from the doorway. The cocoa skinned woman leaning against the wooden doorway, her cyan orbs gazing upon the curvaceous form of Aisuya. Whom packed the harness without care but a smile formed on those plump lips of hers.

A smile that caused Korra's heart to flutter. Unable to take her eyes off the beautiful woman, who soon finished her packing. And began to give the large black and white leapard called Sesi affection. Her laugh echoing throughout the area, sounding to Korra of nothing but music. To which she very much enjoyed. But it wasnt just that, it was her smile. A smile so bright it was one that Korra herself craved to see everyday, and would fight for. Taking a deep breathe Korra approached the gorgeous woman, catching her attention and that smile of hers.

"Korra,Good morning." Aisuya greeted, flashing Korra a warm smile. Not knowing what her smile did to the young Avatar. How her mere smile caused her heart to skip a beat. How her smile would make Korra's hands sweaty and her knees weak. Swallowing a large lump in her throat, Korra returned the greeting. Nervously rubbing the back of her head as she mumbled "M-Morning Aisuya." Her nervousness causing Aisuya to giggle. Giving Sesi one final pet before teasing the young avatar for old times sake. " Oh! Is the mighty Avatar nervous, oh my!" Aisuya joked.

Her light teasing making Korra turn bright red in embarrassment at Aisuya's words. "W-Whatever, jeez somethings never change." Korra muttered giving into Aisuya's teasing. As she use to do the same thing when the two were children. Even then Aisuya knew just what to say to get undsr hwr skin. To push her forward, encourage Korra without even really realizing it. But Aisuya always did. And even now she was. It was just as Korra said "Something's just never change." " You know me." Aisuya began as she stepped closer to Korra. The women a mere few inches from eachother.

"I hope you ate breakfast, its a long journey ahead." Aisuya informed as she pointed towards the exit of the small Earth Nation town the two had taken shelter in. The road was long and narrow, and in truth Aisuya was simply following the intructions given to her by Raava. All she knew in fact was that the journey was long and the destination. Though getting their she was not really sure. Stretching her hands to the sky Korra answered the young woman before her. "Yeah, I'm ready for this." Korra answered confidently causing Aisuya to smile at her answer.

Already seeing a little sliver of the old Korra coming back. "Good, then lets go." Aisuya stated as she slung the last bag onto the back of the harness. And she herself began to climb up into the harness. Gripping onto the reins tightly, already feeling Sesi pace back and fourth in anticipation of another long run. The itch to dash out into nature kicking the earth beneath his feet seeming a very close dream for the young feline. Korra then approached the vast feline, her own rucksack in hand as she threw the bag onto the harness.

Gathering herself Korra began to climb the side of the feline. Unable to get on top of him without any help. A light giggle emmiting from Aisuya as she held her right hand out for Korra. Beckoning her to join her on the harness. Smiling towards Aisuya, Korra reached out for Aisuya. Their fingertips brushing against one another sending electric shocks through their bodies. Both women gasped, gazing into eachother's eyes silently before Korra was hoisted onto the back of the harness. Their bodies pressed against one another sending sudden pleasurable shivers down not only Korra's spine, but Aisuya's as well.

Swallowing the large lump in her throat, Aisuya ordered Sesi forward. The feline Immedistly errupting into a frenzy sprint. Korra gripped onto Aisuya's waist tightly for safety. Though the warm feeling in the pit of her stomach never fading. For her skin, so warm and smooth pressed against Korra's. It was enough to make Korra smile for days, to forget all her fears. All that mattered to Korra was Aisuya and their moments together.

For as long as Aisuya remained by her side, Korra knew her happiness would never fade.

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