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Due to last night's emotional turn of events,both Korra and Aisuya decided it would be best to leave for Republic City in the morning. As of now Korra slept surprisingly soundly,almost as if releasing the pent of stress of this past year had finally done some good. Perhaps this was the first step that Aisuya was referring to the day prior. The first step was always known to be the hardest. And this was no acception. Even in her dream world where for the first time in awhile everything seemed peaceful. A dark cloud forever loomed above Korra's perfect world. A world with no lies,no war,no despair. Just happiness. And where did Korra's ideal world take place? It took place where only few may dwell. A place where only the true spiritually aware were allowed to enter. The Spirit World.

A vibrant world with lush greenery,wild flowers as far as the eye could see. While at the very center of this vast world was a fairly large tree and a calmly flowing stream that Korra was all too familiar with. She had been here before. Countless of times. Quietly Korra peered around her surroundings welcoming the spirits that made their home there. From animal like spirits to even the tiniest of spirits,one by one they seemed to surround Korra. Welcoming her with open arms,stating it had been so long since she had come to visit. And they were not wrong. Without Raava,Korra just couldn't seem to make that eternal bond with the Spirit world any longer. It was beyond her reach. But not here.

Here she was free to roam the calm lands. Here she was allowed to be herself. To be free from the ties of the real world. Ties that stressed her out to no end. Ties that forced Korra into the predicament she had come to know. Her own depression. A heavy cloud that always seems to look over her. But surely her responsibilities were not the source of her depression,oh no for it was only the tip of the iceberg. It wasn't just the stress of being the Avatar. It was the fear of failure. Something Korra despised above all,and just could not grasp.

Sighing lightly Korra layed down amoung the thousands and thousands of wildflowers. Her body becoming almost completely emersed within their floral beauty. But she didn't mind,for this was one of her rare chances to escape the chaotic place that was the Real World. And she was not ready to go back yet. For she had everything she wanted here. Peace,no responsibilities,no one telling her what to do. Nothing. But if that was true then why did Korra feel so empty inside. Almost as if she was not truly fulfilled. Was it because Raava was no longer with her?

Upon remembering once again that Raava had abandoned her,Korra allowed silent tears to slither down her cheeks. It saddened her because even in her so called perfect world she was still hollow. She was missing something and that something was Raava. Choking back her sobs Korra covered her face with her left upper arm. Refusing to even allow the spirits to see her in this miserable state of hers. "Raava,come back. Please."Korra choked out,her voice raspy due to holding back her sobs. Yet the more she cried for Raava the darker the sky overhead seemed to turn.

So dark in fact that the spirits had disappeared into thin air. Almost as if they were afraid of the darkness which was foreign to their world. And they should be,for this was no monster they could take care of. No. This was something else. This was the breif manifestation of Korra's depression. What her fractured mind had created in order to keep her in the pit of her despair. And so far there was nothing Korra could do to stop it. Suddenly lightning began to rain down from above,startling Korra who scrambled to her feet.

She then gazed upon the black sky and allowed her fear to sink into her very bones. She had brought this with her. This darkness,and she was too afraid to face it. Not alone and not without Raava. In fear Korra turned to run from the darkness but was stopped by the sudden smog of darkness which began to twist and turn before slowly taking human form. It was then that the darkness took the form of Korra herself. But this was a different Korra. One Korra knew all too well. Her fractured self. The Avatar whom had been tortured brutally by Zaheer and poisoned by metal.

That was who stood before Korra,a reflection of her past which continued to haunt her till this very day. The fractured woman stood before Korra,bound by heavy chains that Korra could still feel clinging to her limbs and dragged behind her with every step. It was then that the woman opened her eyes and Korra saw the haunting milky eyes belonging to that of the Avatar. Another fear of Korra's. That vast power being turned against her. Now had come into full fruition. Slowly the woman drew near her glowing orbs striking fear into Korra's being. She soon found herself scrambling to her feet and running as fast as her feet could carry her. Only to have the woman charge at an inhuman speed towards Korra,using the chains she wore to wrap around the fleeing Korra.

Korra gasped as the chains squeezed her body tightly,digging the very rings into her flesh. She released a strangled cry as the woman now stood a mere couple inches from her. A vacant expression on her face as she extended her hand for Korra. Korra wimpered in fear praying to whomever was there to hear her cry. 'Help me!' Korra thought to herself as a sudden blinding light seemed to illuminate from before Korra. Korra winced at the intrusion as did her past self. As the woman seemed to almost slink away like a reptile. Hissing at the brilliant light before the light seemed to become almost concentrated and aimed at the barbarian version of Korra. 

The figure hissed before retreating into the darkness,which suddenly dissolved into thin air leaving nothing but the remnants of Korra's peaceful domain and the blinding light before her. Slowly Korra rose to her feet, daringly she stepped towards the bright light wishing to thank whomever had saved her. " Who are you?" Korra whispered towards the bright light,as the light suddenly began to twist and turn before slowly molding itself into a shape Korra couldn't deciper quite yet. " Do you truly with to know?" The question lingering in the air. Korra peered towards the light in confusion as the question was once again made its way known to Korra. It was then that Korra realized it was the light itself. Communicating with her. Testing her to see if she was truly worthy of knowing it's true form. And Korra was. After all she was the Avatar.

" Yes,show me who you are!" Korra declared as the light continued to ripple in and out of focus before a final response was muttered "As you wish" with those words in the air the brilliant light continued to take shape,but into what? That was the question. And would Korra turkey beable to handle it?

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