Dreams of Inhabition

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Deciding it would be best for the two of them to take a rest before beginning their journey back to Republic City. Where immediately all of the responsibilities of "The Avatar" would be thrust upon her, Korra slept. But not just Korra,but Aisuya and her reliable Sesi as well. Who like always layed his large head at the foot of the bed. Determined even in his sleep to continue a watchful eye on his master. Even if it cost him his sleep. Sesi would watch over Aisuya no matter the cost. His loyalty once again reassuring Korra, who scratched the large feline behind the ears. Thanking him for watching over Aisuya while she was away. The feline turned towards the Avatar. His large eyes peering into Korra's deep cyan ones. Almost as if he was searching her eyes. Wanting to know if she was indeed being truthful with her words of thanks. For all those years Korra was away,Sesi was there.

Sesi was there when Aisuya was left alone in the Southern Watertribe,where she was once again the main target of bullies. It was there that Aisuya became tired of being victim and showed promise to become a water bender. And thanks to the good hearted Katara; she began training Aisuya in the way of waterbending. Which immediately stopped the bullying from others to both Aisuya's and Sesi's happiness. And as the years had gone by the timid and quiet little southern water tribe girl. Had grown into a beautiful and confident young woman. The large feline watched his owner blossom into a breathtaking flower. A flower that everyone loved and adored. Deciding he could trust the Avatar was indeed a good person. Sesi layed his large head at the foot of the bed,putting his worries at ease.

While Korra turned on her side, now facing the serene sleeping face of Aisuya. The sleeping woman continued to sleep peacefully,her chest moving up and down in a slow and gentle manner. Alerting Korra she was indeed enjoying her sleep,yet as Korra watched her dear friend sleep. She found herself once again admiring the sleeping beauty before her. All her life Korra always thought Aisuya was a pretty girl. Someone she felt extremely protective over. Someone she wanted to keep happy. But there was something about her now. The radiance Aisuya seemed to bring with her was something that Korra needed,something she craved. Slowly Korra extended her hand for Aisuya,gently running her hand across Aisuya's soft cheek. The young man stirred lightly in her sleep yet continued to dream soundly with Korra by her side.

Korra couldn't help but to smile warmly the sleeping woman before her. Having a rush of calmness seem to swell from within her. Having Aisuya near her made her feel calm,courageous and happy. She made her feel..alive. But why? Quietly Korra layed her had on the pillow next to Aisuya,closing her eyes. She hope she too would fall into a peaceful dreamland just as Aisuya had. As Korra slowly began to drift into a peaceful slumber,she felt her very soul forced from her body. She released a shocked gasp,gripping onto her chest. Korra struggled for air before seeing he familiar sight of a large lushes garden where thousands and thousands of rainbow hued flowers littered the ground. It was indeed a sight to behold. And seeing this told Korra one thing. She wasn't just sleeping. She was in the Spirit World.

Immediately Korra ran through the lush fields of flowers,calling out for her other half. For Raava. "Raava! Raava!" Korra called out as she spotted a silhouette of the spirit she was looking for. Raava. Her body giving off its bright white radiance,a light of warmth which always seemed to put Korra's mind at ease. After Korra herself feeling so alone,so empty for years now she stood before her. Almost as if she never even left. Korra found herself walking towards Raava,her hands extended for her. With tears streaming down her cheeks Korra's voice cracked as she spoke to Raava. "R-Raava." Korra cried now a mere few feet from her dear friend. Yet Raava refused to look at her. With her back turned towards Korra,Korra begged her. She begged Raava to return to her,to make her feel whole and complete as she always had been with the powerful spirit.

Yet the divine Raava remained silent for a few moments,still determined not to have Korra look her in the eye. " Why did you leave me alone?! I needed you!" Korra cried,her voice filled to the brim with sorrow as she spoke. Expecting some sort of reaction from the spirit. "Why Raava?! Why?!" Korra screamed at the spirit,this time her words seemed to reach the divine Raava. Who released a heavy sigh before slowly turning towards Korra,the wind tossing her ribbon like appendages around her. Before turning to meet the gaze of Korra. " Your not alone,I'm always here with you." Raava stated before her vibrant form began to twist and turn,as it slowly took on human form. And as the human form became more focused Korra could clearly see it was none other than Aisuya,who seemed to take the divine appearance. Aisuya smiled warmly towards Korra before speaking"I'm here with you." Her voice filled to the brim with warmth and reassurance.

But Korra was not reassured. Where did Raava go? And why had Aisuya taken her place? Korra watched as Aisuya's body gave off a translucent white hue,a light that was so similar to Raava's.  Why? As Korra reached out for Aisuya she was forced away by a strong gust of wind which threw Korra backwards and away from Aisuya. "No stop! Raava! Raava! Aisuya!" Korra cried out before everything in her vision went pitch black. And once again sleep overtook her.

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