Reflection of The Spirit

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With their hands mere inches from one another, Aisuya allowed Korra to take hold of her hand. Allowing the sudden warmth to consume the frazzled woman,causing her to turn a bright red at the touch of Korra. Noticing this Korra brought Aisuya's smaller hand to her face, planting her lips upon the back of the beautiful woman hand. Making Aisuya turn her head away sheepishly at Korra's actions. Aisuya whispering for Korra to stop. To not get her hopes of for something that would never happen. This confused Korra as she questioned what Aisuya meant. But she received no answer, rather so Aisuya turned away from Korra. Their hands still touching as Raava bid the two to clear their minds and allow their very spirits to take them on the quest they needed.

Listening the the Spirit of Light and Peace the two women took in deep breathes. Clearing their minds of any distractions before both Korra and Aisuya's bodies began to give off the vibrant white light that only an Avatar could show. Eyes closed the energy created from the two women ripped around them violently. Twisting and turning around the two before settling infront of Raava herself. This light piecing together like a gigantic puzzle bit by bit before taking the physical shape of a man. The man was fairly tall held deep copper orbs which bore into Korra's. He also held a goatee upon his face, while a smile soon formed on his face upon seeing Korra. Upon seeing the man, Korra released a gasp at the man whispering his name into the air. "Wan." Hearing his name the young man couldn't help but to crack a smile towards Korra. Greeting her with his trademark goofy grin. "Good to see you again, Korra." Wan began his body still giving off that azure blue that only those of the spirit world could create. Alerting both Korra and Aisuya that Wan was no longer a part of this world. Infact he had been lost to the world nearly a thousand years only to be remembered thanks to Korra.

Joyful tears cascaded down Korra cheeks at the appearence of Wan. Knowing that indeed everything would be well. For as long as Korra had that spiritual connection with Wan that she would never be truly alone. That she would stand once again and live. Giving her life over to the people whom both loved and hated her. Just as they did Wan so long ago. The two Avatars were very similar both with rambunctious personalities. Their skill in combat was that of myth and most of all those love lives we're quite tragic. So tragic that even Wan to his dismay tried to forget the woman who stole his heart. A woman with kindness that held no bounds. Her spirit as beautiful as she was and just as gentle. And yet when Wan's gaze landed upon the nervous Aisuya. It brought the First Avatar to tears, no sensing the familiar presence of his beloved. Something that he had been searching for since his death. Striving to be with his love together in the Spirit World since their time together was cut so short.

But to Wan's dismay the spirit of his love had seemed to dissapear. Never once gracing the Spirit World with her presence for thousands of years. And now Avatar Wan understood. He realized why his love had never found him in the Spirit World. For she was alive and actively searching for him. Striving to finish his work in order to ease Wan's spirit. Unable to speak Wan stepped towards Aisuya. Confusing her as she took a hesitant step back. Her heart pounding loudly in her chest almost too loud. As Aisuya could feel her heart beat in her throat, frightening her. Even so, Wan drew near. Tears slithering down his cheeks as he gazed upon Aisuya, a big smile on his face as he held his hand out for her. "I've dreamed of this moment for so long. And now it's here." Wan began as Raava herself encircled herself around Aisuya, Korra and Wan. The Light Spirit stating that she indeed had felt a similar pull to the spirit of Aisuya. Believing that perhaps they had met before, and she could not have been more right.

"I never realized the similarities between their spirits." Raava stated now confusing Korra who demanded to know what or who they were talking about. And to answer this Wan smiled sorrowfully towards Korra. Gathering his inner courage as he spoke. For it was truly hard for him to put it into words. How he had failed not only the world and Raava. But the one person who stood beside him through it all. And her devotion to Wan was what caused her demise. "Your friend here who shares the spirit of Raava with you, she also shares the spirit of someone very important to me." Wan began now swallowing a lump in his throat struggling to hold back his tears as he spoke. "Ive....I've been searching for her for so long and here she is." Wan continued his hands clasped around Aisuya's making her back even further away from Wan. Unsure of what he meant as she had just laid eyes on him. The two of them had never met before. Right?

Wan retracted his hands, a look of hurt upon his features before he brushed it off. Smiling through his tears as he spoke "Even if this body and spirit doesn't remember what we had I always will." Wan declared his copper orbs never leaving Aisuya's. Who nervously stepped behind Raava and Korra. Unsure of just what was going on here. All this talk of spirits and sharing bodies was a new thing for Aisuya. Though it was true that Aisuya was a temporary host for Raava, that was all she was. There was nothing truly special about her. She knew this. And yet the sight of the handsome man before her being brought to tears. Made Aisuya shed silent tears of her own, unsure of it's source or reason. But she felt for him. Felt his hurt and something deep within Aisuya's soul wished to ease his suffering.

"This person...who is it?" Korra questioned now curious herself as Avatar Wan smiled sorrowfully. Before turning his gaze to the sky above before beginning his story. "It's a story I sometimes wish to forget. But can't bear the thought of erasing her completely from my heart." Wan began, now clutching his chest which greatly concerned Raava. Who used her ribbon like appendages to embrace Wan whispering that it was alright. That he did not need to relive those blissful and yet painful memories that even she shared with him. But Wan was adamant on telling his story, knowing that his hidden past was something that needed to be heard. That Korra needed to know. Taking a deep breathe Wan began to tell his tale. A tale of two people so different and yet drawn to one another. Though fate was cruel to them, Wan always loved her. And always would. For this woman was the secret drive that Wan held dear to his heart all those years. Seeking to bring peace to the world. All so that he could return to her. But as said fate proved unkind to these two lovers. But would their story have it's happy ever after? Or would the two continue to weep in different plains of existence?

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