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The sloshing of her own footsteps was all Korra could hear. It's constant squelching as the dark skinned Avatar traversed through the vast swamp. With one thought on her mind. Aisuya. Not caring that her own feet now swam in purtid water. None of that mattered; only her. As Korra has wished to speak to Aisuya privately the moment their pasts were shown to them. She wished to embrace the lovely Aisuya; to simply be near her. To dismiss any ill thoughts in her mind. Korra; wanted to be everything to her. A friend, family, and lover. Korra felt this burning deep within her. A ever burning flame flickering in the distance. Hoping it's brilliance would be realized. Praying that she felt the same. And now more than ever after the events in the Spirit World; Korra knew it to be true. She harbored feelings for Aisuya, perhaps even longer than she could recall. They were destined for one another.

But that was not the only reason Korra fell for Aisuya. She knew this, she was different. Always standing out in the crowd. Even as children. Korra was always the outspoken and center of attention. The other children gathering around the young Korra. In awe of Korra's bending at such a young age. But even among the blurry faces of the children. One stood out among them. She was always there hiding behind the others, but Korra always saw her. A little girl who's brilliant cyan orbs shone with admiration from afar. Admiration that deep down Korra always knew was for her.

Before Korra realized it, she had protected Aisuya from a band of bullies. And it was that moment when their eyes finally locked; a spark was ignited within the two. After that the two children were inseperable. Korra even skipping lessons with Master Katara in order to spend time with the  soft spoken Aisuya. The sacrifice always seeming necessary. And it didn't bother Korra one bit. Though what did bother Korra was the day the "Order of the White Lotus" came to whisk her away for training. Away from Aisuya. Korra protested. Screaming at the top of her lungs, demanding she train at home. Crying that she didn't wish to leave Aisuya alone. No it was more like she couldn't. But they cared nothing of her tears, seeming Aisuya a distraction for Korra's training to be the Avatar.

And there was Aisuya; hot tears streaming down her cheeks. As Katara herself had to restrain the flustered child. Feeling the great anguish within Aisuya and Korra far greater than anyone could no. "Korra!" Aisuya cried out, her voice hoarse and triggered something within Korra. As with all her strength she pushed pass her captors and ran to Aisuya. Cupping her tiny hands into her own as she sobbed. "Don't cry." A simple gesture but one that meant the very world to Aisuya occured that day. Korra gently wiped away the oncoming tears from her face, all the while looking to Aisuya. Determination evident in Korra's eyes. "One day I'll come back, and I'll come rescue you. Just like I always do." Korra declared with that confident smile of hers that made Aisuya's heart sing.

She believed Korra, and held fast. As with one last hug. That Korra left never to return for many years. But by that time; Korra was completely unaware of the vast transformation that had overcome the little girl she wanted to save long ago. Now she was a captivating beauty, that with a mere gaze caused Korra's pulse to quicken. Eyes as lovely as the deepest ocean, always seeming to calm Korra with it's gentle lull. And her voice, one that only spoke to Korra was as sweet and gentle as a spring breeze. Korra couldn't get enough of it. Her charm was unmatched. Unlike anything Korra had ever seen. The moment she layed eyes of Aisuya after all these years; she thought she was dreaming. For never did she ever picture Aisuya;saving her. Yet still she did, and continued to do so. And Korra had been a jerk. Unable to even talk to Aisuya and explain to her why. Why she didn't come back for her. The truth behind it all. And that Korra had never forgotten about her. Korra had to set things straight, she couldnt fathom the thought of Aisuya hating her.

Pushing pass more marshlands, Korra finally came to a clearing where she spotted a massive feline she knew all too well. Sesi. The large creature knelt down towards the ground, allowing his rider to slide off the side. Being none other than Aisuya; her curvaceous body pressed against Sesi. Stroking his large head, causing the feline to purr loudly. Satisfied Aisuya made her way to the center of the clearing. Oblivious to Korra as she peered up towards the sun above. It was then that Korra could see tears upon her cheeks. Clear as day. And it made her heartache. Unable to hide her pain, Aisuya sobbed into the air. Not caring if anyone heard. She had to let it all out. Afraid that this pain would swallow her whole. But in the middle of her sobbing, Korra crept close.

The sight before her unbearable. Korra reached out for Aisuya, her hand resting upon her right shoulder. The sensation, a warm heat made itself known to Aisuya. Along with her own heart skipping a beat. Aisuya knew who it was, even before she turned to lock eyes with the gorgeous Avatar infront of her. Immediately embarrassed, Aisuya moved to hide her face. But was stopped by the strong yet gentle grip of Korra. Stopping her arm and bringing her hand to her lips. "I made you cry, I'm sorry." Korra apologized, all the while wiping away Aisuya's tears. Just as she always did, all those years ago. And that act brought another wave of emotion took over Aisuya. Joy. But was it fleeting? "Its not your fault." Aisuya began but she was silenced by Korra who shook her head. Now clutching onto both of Aisuya's hands. Insisting that the two speak, as it was completely over due.  

Agreeing, Korra leading Aisuya towards a large fallen tree. Tugging Aisuya to sit beside her as the two sat in silence for a moment. Korra gathering the courage to speak. "I never forgot our promise." Her words echoing across the terrain. With the chirping of birds could be heard, along with Aisuya's light breathing. She hesitantly turned away from Korra, unsure of how to react to Korra's declaration. As deep down Aisuya always wondered if Korra actually remembered her. If she actually recalled their lives together. Their promise. Averting her gaze to the ground Aisuya spoke rather matter of factly. Her tone quite dark and struck Korra in the throat.

"Then why didn't you come back for me? Why didn't you save me?" Aisuya still refusing to look Korra in the eye. Her chin quivering. With a lump in her throat, Korra struggled to speak. Knowing these questions would come.  Clasping her hands together Korra spoke "I did! I came back home but— but you weren't there. I searched for you at home. And in our favorite place but—" With these words Aisuya unable to take it rose to her feet. Her back turned to Korra, but she was still shaking. Her hands gripped into a tight fist, Aisuya turned briskly. Tears of anguish gleaming down her cheeks as she screamed. "I had to save myself! You left me there! You left me and moved on—!" Aisuya shrieked, her heart breaking as she cried. "N-No Aisuya I— I never stopped thinking about you. Not even for a moment!" Korra's declaration bringing even more tears to Aisuya. She covered her face, tears refusing to cease. For she knew Korra's words to be true. She believed her.

Korra then rose to her feet, bringing Aisuya into a much needed embrace. One that felt right for the two women. Almost seeming to melt into one another, for the warmth and tenderness each craved had been reached at last. A wholeness that could only be obtained when their very spirits were harmonized. Unable to hide the blatant smiles on their faces, Korra then tipped Aisuya's head back. Causing the dazzling woman to look her in the eye. Never looking more beautiful than ever. "I never forgot you, I swear it." Korra whispered her words like sweet music to Aisuya's ears. This was all she ever wanted. To be noticed by the very person she valued most. The one she wished to stand beside. Dare to be in Korra's blinding brilliance, and now for the first time. She had it. An inner bliss coming over Aisuya, her lovely cyan eyes fluttered closed. While Korra slowly knelt down towards the warm and inviting lips of Aisuya.  A fruit she had been desperate to taste.

But the two women's sweet moment was interrupted by the blaring shouts of children that Korra knew all too well. Zipping through the trees and calling out Korra's name. Nervously Korra and Aisuya seperated from one another. Shyly looking away from one another as the children of Tenzin bombarded Korra with questions. All the while beckoning Korra to help them with Kuvira. Who was claiming land and on a warpath. Nodding in understanding, Korra agreed to stop Kuvira. But not before mouthing out to Aisuya that they would finish what they started later. Smiling, and nodding. Aisuya watched as Korra took off with Sesi and Aisuya in tow. Dashing to stop the danger that was known as Kuvira.

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