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Korra gazed upon the illuminating figure which had saved her from the void. Its warm gentle glow giving Korra a sudden sense of peace. Peace. Peace that Korra had not truly experienced since becoming one with Raava herself. The very spirit of the "Avatar State". Giving the "Avatar" their ability to bend multiple elements. Along with of course tapping into the "Avatar State" itself. A power surge of energy which coursed through the very soul of the current host. Bestowing upon them the experience and bending abilities of past chosen ones. This was what made the "Avatar" the one whom maintainer balance. What made the Avatar truly special. And yet...Korra had felt a familsr sensation prior. Not only had Korea felt such eternal peace with Tasha, but with someone whom had suddenly waltzed back into her life after quite sometime. Aisuya.

Yes, the moment Korra's cyan orbs gazed upon her, something just seemed to calm her. Korra always seemed to feel like she was floating when in Aisuya's mere presence. Her radiant smile becoming Korra's own personal sun. One that she swore protect. And yet Aisuya didn't really need protecting, that was very apparent to Korra. For that shy little girl she grew up with was no longer she. Now in her stead stood a beautiful and confident water tribe woman. Her flawless mocha skin, captivating cerulean orbs which seemed to bore into Korra's very soul. And her hair, lovely long flowing raven locks which fell down to her lower back in abit more loose fashion. Everything about Aisuya was different, and yet so welcoming to Korra that it almost frightened her.

There was just something about Aisuya that just seemed to pull Korra to her. A sort of magnetic force that Korra herself was confused with but even so something just seemed off. The sense of peace that would wash over Korra like the gentle waves lapping at the shores edge. And Korra couldnt get enough of it, but she was concerned about this feeling. Why was the sensation so similar to Raava? Biting her bottom lip Korra dared gaze upon the brilliant form before her sailor bidding it to take shape. Wishing to thank the being for its assistance.

It was then that a sudden gust of wind rippled around the two. Korra shielding her eyes from the sudden leaves and debris all the while struggling to even see the strange spirit. Through the gale force winds the billowing spirit began to finally to shape. Its uncertain form twisting and turning, the light which infact consisting of the spirit itself begging to ripple. All the while growing into the rough shape of a human. Korra gasped at the sight as ever so slowly the incandescent light began to wash over humankind vessel. Smoothing out creases in its flesh, with an evident smile on its face.

Slowly the brilliant light and wind which forced Korra at bay began to die down. Revealing to Korra to true form of the entity which had saved her. Wiping her face free of dirt Korra peered towards the spirit. Her mouth now open quite largely in shock. Never in her life had she expected this. This was just....something that even Korra herself could not fathom. As the form which the spirit had taken was indeed quite familiar to Korra. For the person whom stood before her was none other than Aisuya herself.

Although there was the strange glow in Aisuya's eyes. For her ocean blue pupils were no more and in there place were brilliant white orbs that Korra knew all to well. Blinking a few times Aisuya turner her snow gaze towards Korra. A bright smile on her face as she opened her arms for Korra. Her voice so inviting, so warm that Korra had almost forgotten how her old partner sounded. "Korra." The spirit spoke, her voice airy and seeming to echo about them causing Korra's heart to skip a beat. It really was her. Without even realizing it Korra began to run towards the spirit.

Tears streaming down the young woman's cheeks as Korra was soon brought into the gentle embrace of Raava herself. Whom for some reason had taken the form of Aisuya. Raava gripped onto Korra tightly, a wave of relief washing over her. As the two were finally able to communicate after so long. The time Korra had become silent to the Spirit World had not been kind to Raava. Even she knew that her power had waned abit, she only hoped that the two had not connected too late.

Gently pulling away from the young Avatar, Raava wiped the remaining tears from Korra's cheeks. Both startling and over all confusing Korra as the sensation which remained on her flesh was one of desire. Need.

Not in need of Raava. But perhaps Aisuya herself. Shaking these thoughts from her mind, Korra spoke to Raava. Asking her why? Why had she abandoned her when she needed her most? Why did she feel so broken? To this Raava couldn't help but to sigh deeply, her gaze never leaving Korra's. "I never left your side Korra, I was always with you." Raava began her thoughts drifting back and forth between her task and her own feelings. Raava knew she had to push forward. To help heal Korra to the best of her ability.

And yet, deep down Raava knew there was only so much she could do. Which was why the spirit sought assistance which came in the shape of Aisuya. A young woman with a bright future and the desire to help others above all. And the one thing that set her a part from all others. Aisuya held a special place in Korra's heart. She could show Korra the light, give her the will to push forward and smile like she use to but even brighter. But in order to do that everything must go according to plan.

Korra had to see the light, she had to become stronger...but with Aisuya by her side. Not just Raava. Raava had to stay on course, say what needed to be said and push Korra to the next step. And to do this she would have to use her words carefully. Taking a deep breathe Raava continued to speak. Her wisdom reflecting in each word she spoke. Giving Korra the sense that all would indeed be well. " Since our battle with Zaheer your connection to the Spirit World and me has become weakened. Almost nonexistent. Korra, you must gather that courage. That fire which burns in you. Without it...." Raava began.

Her voice trailing off slightly as Korra noticed her distracted gaze. For standing a few feet away from them, kneeling down towards a pond was a woman. Her back was turned towards them but from what Korra could tell the woman was quite stunning. Her long flowing raven hair billowing in the wind before the woman suddenly turned to meet Korra's gaze. Her ocean blue orbs boring into Korra's like no other, causing her heart to flutter. Korra knew there was no way she could be here. That the person before her was infact an illusion but still.

Just the mere sight of Korra's personal sun immediately seemed to cause something to stir within Korra. As the smoldering embers of passion which use to flare and burn furiously when tempered with. Now they seemed to awaken, crackling ever so slightly. But overall giving Korra a sense of wholeness. "You cant protect what you want most." Raava finished as the image of Aisuya smiled back at Korra. Her shining smile blinding Korra from all that held ill will to her, all that remained was her. Aisuya. But why?

"Raava?" Korra whispered her voice tiny almost childlike. Drawing Raava's attention as she found Korra's eyes glued to the image of Aisuya. Such intensity. Such pure determination. The desire to protect. The wish to treasure her, and her alone. Seemed to swallow Korra whole. Leaving only more questions in their wake. For the more Korra watched the illusion. Which simply twirled around among the hundreds of blooms only native to the Spirit World. Their petals billowing about causing the vision of Aisuya to appear even more alluring. But why? Swallowing a large lump in her throat Korra spoke, her question causing Raava to become silent. Not too sure how to answer the young Avatar.

"....Why, why does she make me feel this way?" Her question lingering on the very winds themselves. Causing great concern for Korra whom in truth was seeking an answer. But instead was given "I do not know the ways of the heart Korra. But....if she makes you happy,then why question it?" Raava whispered before the world around the two began to disappear. Along with the image of Aisuya whom smiled warmly before being wiped from existence. Korra peered around her world watching as ever so slowly it was destroyed.

Signalling to her that her dream was now coming to an end. And soon she would face the real world. The world where Aisuya was waiting. Where that smile of hers would never fade. Cracking a smile of her own Korra allowed her entire world to wash away. Leaving her dream world and ruins and now returning to the real world.  Where her choices mattered. And where the world once again rest on her shoulders.

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