Storm Of Emotions

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Soon the vibrant sun began to make it's presence known in the sky ahead. Allowing lovely hues of crimson and Amber to spread across the once midnight canvas. And as always Aisuya gazed upon the beautiful sunrise before her. She loved watching the sun rise in the morning. It was a natural phenomenon that was simply breathtaking to her. The birds would sing in the distance alerting all around them who remained tucked within the confines of their beds that a new day had indeed come. The gentle waves of warmth the sun seemed to give off when it first appears in the sky was equally wonderful. It was the simple things in life that Aisuya had learned to love over all. That was indeed one of the many things Master Katara had taught Aisuya beforehand. But that wasn't the only thing Katara had taught Aisuya. Katara had also given Aisuya many clues that could help Korra heal. It was of course no surprise.

Considering Katara had on multiple occasions healed Aang,her husband and previous Avatar. And Korra as well,but Katara could not heal the wound's of the heart or soul. Katara had infact openly stated it was one of her failures that she did not intend to keep. Which is why after discovering Aisuya's quest to find Korra. Katara gave Aisuya enough information that could infact bring Korra back into connection with the Spirit World. And most of all Raava. But to do that they would have to leave the slums of the Earth Kingdom City they were in and travel to a certain swamp.

The only thing was that Aisuya was not entirely successful in talking Korra into finding her connection with the Spirit World again. She had hoped it would be a slow and gentle progress,but matters were only getting worst the longer Korra was out of commission. The world needed the Avatar. And they needed her now. Biting her bottom lip and trying her best to come up with a conversation starter,Aisuya turned on her heels and marched into the medium sized room she,Korra and Sesi had been sharing. To see none other than Korra herself sitting up in the creaky bed. Her back pressed against the cool wood of the headboard,all the while Korra's cyan gaze was elsewhere. Drifting from her dream last night to the current moment.

Korra just couldn't understand why Raava changed into Aisuya. It made no sense. Yes it was true since Aisuya's reappearence Korra felt alive again. She felt the drive to pick herself up and dust her shoulders off and continue the role which was given to her by her predecessors. A sense of responsibility which had become distant to her due to circumstances. But now,things were as clear as ever. Her meeting Aisuya was no coincidence,she was there for a reason. For whatever reason Korra was not entirely sure,but she did know being near Aisuya sent something coursing through her veins.

It was almost as if Korra was back to her old self at some points. It seemed to be the warm and gentle aura Aiusya gave off in waves that made Korra feel so safe. free. Free? Free to do what? Korra was the Avatar and with that title there was quite a few things she could do. Nothing to crazy but she never truly craved anything before even with her but of power. There was just something about Aisuya that caused something within Korra to stir. Something. She wasn't too use to. A burst of emotions that Korra struggled to come to grasp with along with her fall into depression.

Noticing her serious gaze Aisuya took a seat on the bed beside Korra,reaching over to give Korra's hand a gentle yet firm squeeze. It was her way of reassuring Korra that all was well. That she could tell her any and everything she needed to and everything she didn't. Deep down Aisuya herself was too struggling with these new emotions. Unable to tell the difference from the connection with Raava and the storm of emotions that seemed to look overhead. Emotions that teetered between abandoning her mission for selfish reasons and choosing her own happiness.

But was this truly her happiness? Was this truly what Aisuya and Korra sought? To indulge themselves in these foreign emotions and sins of the flesh that they could barely keep contained? Or was this something else all together? Daringly Aisuya peered towards Korra,her heart pounding so loudly in her chest she could have sworn Korra could hear it. She only prayed she did not. Trying her best to force away this sudden flurry of emotions. Aisuya collected herself,coming to grasp with the fact that she was not too sure of her own feelings. And the only way to figure out how she truly felt was to continue this quest. Heal the Avatar,and hopefully her heart as well. For it was something that desperately needed to be mended. For now duty came first and not her heart. And to continue on with this and the healing of Korra. Aisuya had to remain in control. She had to push these feelings away and not allow herself to be swallowed whole by them. But that was easier said then done. Aisuya only hoped that things would get easier as time moved on.

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