1-Until I die

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This is based off of a manga one shot I read.

Ochako Uraraka shut the door to her house as she left. She could still hear her parents arguing in the kitchen from outside.

'They probably won't notice that I'm gone' Thought Ochako.

She felt a little bit hungry so she decided to go to the nearest gas station for a quick snack.

As she entered she saw a man with a hoodie over his head arguing with the employee at the counter.

"This map is way too much! Can't you take it down at least 218 yen? " Asked the man.

" S-sir I'm afraid I can't do that" Said the employee with his hands in front of him.

" C'mon I really need it!!!" Said the man.

He turned his attention towards Ochako and he had an idea.

Before Ochako could react the man had grabbed a hold of her and placed a knife right at her neck.

"Don't you care what happens to her?" Asked the man.

'W-what the hell!' Thought Ochako.

" Put the phone down and don't call any heroes" Said the man.

The employee was forced to put down the phone as the man took the map and took Ochako with him.

"Sorry about this" The man whispered to Ochako who was confused.

The man placed her in a car and he quickly went onto the other side and sped away from the gas station.

' Oh my God I just became a hostage! I could use my quirk but I don't know what kind he may have. What is he going to do with me? ' Ochako thought to herself scared for her life.

"Damnit damnit! This wasn't supposed to happen!!! I'm really sorry for getting you involved in this. Just buckle up" Said the man.

'Whats with this guy?' Thought Ochako.

"I'm really sorry about this. But could you possibly be my hostage for a little bit longer? At least until I die" Said the man.

'Huh??? Until he dies? What does he mean by that? ' Ochako thought to herself.

She turned her head to look at the man who took off his hoodie revealing a teenage boy with messy green hair.

"I'm actually planning to kill myself" Said the teen.

'Say what?!' Thought a shocked Ochako.

" I want to go to cape beauty. It's a place popular for suicide. I left home a few days ago but my GPS broke so I had to take a map. Also I can't afford to get caught by the police if I want to kill myself" Said the teen.

" Um... If Cape beauty is where your going... It's in the opposite direction" Said Ochako.

" Aw damnit not again! Oh right I forgot I have the map. Now where did I put it?" The teen said to himself.

" Um actually. If you want to... I could guide you there" Said Ochako.

" Really!? That would be super helpful! Thanks so much!" Said the teen.

" First make a U-turn" Said Ochako.

" Alright" Said the teen turning the car around.

' He doesn't seem like a bad guy though. He said he wants to kill himself but was he being serious? He seems pretty laid back about all this' Thought Ochako staring at the teen.

She felt her heartbeat beat faster.

' Well it doesn't matter. At least now I don't have to go home' Thought Ochako.

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