35-Online dating

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Been awhile since I last asked so what is your favorite one shot so far in this book?

"Guys...I-i don't know about this." Said Izuku in his college room with his two roommates Kaminari and Kirishima.

"What are you talking about Midoriya? Online dating is normal. Tons of people do it!" Said Kaminari.

" I don't know. It seems kinda dangerous. And besides I don't know how to talk to girls. I don't even know how to get one to talk to me" Said Izuku.

Relatable isn't it?

" Don't worry Midoriya. We made sure to be completely honest about your bio. See look" Said Kirishima clicking on his bio on the laptop.

Name: Izuku Midoriya. Age: 21
Likes: Manga,anime, studying, walking, and ramen.

"I sound like a total nerd!" Said Izuku.

"To be fair you are a nerd so." Said Kaminari.

" Don't worry Midoriya. Lots of girls dig nerdy boys. Heck you might even get a girl who is one as well of you're lucky" Said Kirishima.

" Why are we even doing this though?" Asked Izuku.

"Because you can't just stay in this room studying 24/7 and sometimes hanging out with us. You gotta get laid!" Same Kaminari holding up a condom.

" Kaminari he is much to pure for that. Anyway why not Midoriya? Don't you want a girlfriend?" Asked Izuku Kirishima.

" I'm far to busy for that. We are in college remember?" Asked Izuku.

" Midoriya your taking one class less than us,and we still have time for chicks. At least try. You might even surprise yourself" Said Kaminari.

" Ah fine. So now the profile is complete what now?" Asked Izuku.

" Well you can either look at some girl's profiles or just wait until you get a - oh look you already- nope nevermind that's just spam" Said Kirishima going from happy to upset in three Seconds.

"I guess I can try looking around for someone" Said Izuku.

"Here let me see it. I'm sure I can find someone pretty fast" Said Kaminari.

He took the laptop from Izuku and started to look around on the app.

"Hey here is one! Her name is Ochako Uraraka. She also seems to like anime, manga,and ramen. And loves mochi. And not a bad rack" Said Kaminari.

" Kaminari you already got a girl" Said Izuku.

" Well she can't compete with this...I still love her though" Said Kaminari giving the laptop bad.

" I mean...She is really pretty" Said Izuku looking at the woman's picture.

" And she is the same age as you. And look she even lives in the same area! I say go for it! Be a man Midoriya!" Said Kirishima.

" Alright fine... Hello. My name is Izuku Midoriya. How are you" Said Izuku as he typed a message.

" Eh. Good enough for your first time." Said Kaminari.

" So now we just wait?" Said Izuku.

"Yep." Said Kirishima.

Izuku immediately got up from his seat and stretched.

"Welp who knows when that will be? I better study in the meantime" Said Izuku.

Kaminari grabbed ahold of his shoulder and brought him back down.

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