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No excuse for taking this long.... Hopefully my other stories will be updated soon.... maybe.... Yeah.

A girl with a hoodie ran through the rain, her shoes getting muddy from the ground as she ran as fast as she could. She held onto her jacket that was covering her body and hid most of her head as she ran.

"STOP!" Several guards yelled behind her, giving chase after the girl.

She took one quick glance behind her before looking back ahead. She turned a corner and kept going as fast as she could.

'Gotta get away!' She thought to herself as her heart raced.

She came to a path with two ways. Something, almost like it was destiny, told her to go right. And so she did.

Luckily the guards behind her couldn't tell which way she went, thanks to the distance she gained and the rain plus darkness making it hard to see. Because of this half the guards went the other way, but she still has two others following her.

She took another look behind her to see how far she was from them, but that was a grave mistake. Her foot hit a lose cobblestone causing her to trip to the ground.

'No no no!' She thought as she felt a bit of pain her body as the guards closed in on her.

'I-i can't be caught!' She was about ready to cry.

"There she is!' The guards yelled at they were now in seeing range of her.

But they didn't make it another three steps before they slipped on some marbles that came out of nowhere.


Suddenly, someone grabbed the back of her head and lifted her up and pulled her into a nearby alleyway. The guards got up and ran past her, never seeing the alleyway that she was now hidden.

"Seems like they're gone" A soft voice said from behind her.

The girl looked behind her to see someone standing behind her, but she couldn't make out his face as he too was covered by a big hoodie. Although she could tell it was a male by his voice.

" Before I take you somewhere safe, I want you to promise me something." The mysterious male spoke in a serious voice.

"W-what?" The girl asked not really having much choice regardless of what the promise is.

"Promise me that you did nothing wrong. That the people chasing you are not good people. They don't look like police. And also promise me that I'm not helping a criminal " The male once again sounded serious.

"I promise!" She responded quickly.

"........" The male didn't speak another word. He leaned slightly out of the alleyway with his head and looked around.

"Keep your head low and follow me"He began to walk forward out into the streets with Ochako following close and keeping her head down in the process.

They walked for about half an hour before they made it to a building. The male unlocked the door and let the girl in before quickly shutting and locking it.

"Is this some kind of hideout?" The girl asked trying to look around but it was mostly pitch black.

"No." The male turned on the lights to reveal that he had led her to a..... Bakery.

"Huh?" She was confused as she looked around at the place. Several tables and chairs were around, there was lots of displays where food would be, and lot's of other things that a bakery would have.

" Sorry if you were expecting a special agent or something." The male stood behind the counter and took off his hood to reveal himself. He had green hair and freckles.

Izuocha one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now