7-Izuocha as Villians

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Remember guys. One piece is the number one Manga ever.

"Is everything set my dear?" Asked Izuku Midoriya on his walkie talkie.

"All set my sweet" Said Ochako Uraraka.

" Go ahead and blow it" Said Izuku holding an Ak-47 to a guys head as he stared at the police on the outside of the bank.

" Gotcha babe" Said Ochako.

There was a huge explosion which rattled even the police outside.

"There is lots of cash in here my sweet" Said Ochako.

"Go ahead and stuff it in the bags. As much as possible dear" Said Izuku.

" Understand my love" Said Ochako.

She immediately used her quirk to float some money and carried some over to the bags at the same time as to fill them up faster.

"Alright Sweetie. Everything is packed as much as possible" Said Ochako swinging one bag over her shoulder and carrying the other up the stairs.

Izuku kept the gun pointed as he saw his villian girlfriend come over and hand him a bag.

"Alright everyone. As you may know we don't kill anyone. I thank you all for your cooperation and perhaps we shall do business another time. For now we must bid you goodbye! " Said Izuku placing a small device on the ground.

The device went off surrounding the entire area full of smoke.

Once the smoke cleared out several heroes rushed inside but all they could find was the employees and customers.

"Damnit. They got away again!" Said Aizawa.

" It was them again wasn't it? The infamous villians Deku and uravity" Said present Mic.

" Yeah. May as well check the cameras to see if we can get any leads. Make sure everyone is alright" Said Aizawa.

" Understood" Said Present Mic.


"That was absolutely amazing my love" Said Ochako taking her mask off sitting in the seat next to Izuku.

"It truly was my sweet. You did a well job" Said Izuku taking off his mask as well and then giving Ochako a kiss.

" With this much money, we should be set for quite a while" Said Ochako.

" Indeed my love" Said Izuku.

" I'm thinking of giving you something special tonight" Said Ochako making Izuku blush a little bit.

" Even though your a Villian your still very kind and sweet my love" Said Izuku.

" As are you. That's why you never kill anyone my sweet. You're one of the kindest villians ever" Said Ochako.

" Well I guess part of me still wants to be a hero" Said Izuku looking at his mask.

"I'm sorry dear. But this is our life now. There is no going back" Said Ochako.

" I know. And at least we're doing this together" Said Izuku.

" Very true my sweet" Said Ochako.

" Tonight let's go somewhere fancy. Just the two of us" Said Izuku.

" That would be lovely dear" Said Ochako giving Izuku a kiss on the cheek as he drove.

They drove by the bank they had just robbed and saw lots of heroes outside.

"No one will ever know it's us. We made sure to wear gloves, masks, and we used our devices to hide our voices. " Said Izuku.

" Oh that reminds me. I need to send my parents more money this weekend" Said Ochako.

" How did you explain to them that you got so much money? " Asked Izuku.

" I just told them I found a really good paying job and they believe it. They still think I'm very innocent" Said Ochako.

" Well towards me you are my dearest" Said Izuku.

" That is true. So when do you think our next heist is my love? " Asked Ochako.

" Well first we must lay low. Then we will see what lida thinks. " Said Izuku.

" Has he been able to track down Bakugo?" Asked Ochako.

"Not yet. But I promise one day he will get what he deserves. This world would be so much better without him" Said Izuku gripping the steering wheel tightly.

" We will get him one day my sweetheart. But tonight I will make you feel special" Said Ochako.

" Can't wait" Said Izuku as he drove towards their hideout.

They soon arrived to their house which on the outside you would think it's normal on the inside as well.

And you would think right. You see on the inside everything is normal for a house. A living room, a kitchen, two bedroom,a dining room, and a bathroom.

However underneath the bed, underneath the floorboard is a button which moves a big cupboard revealing a stairway which leads to their secret hideout which their friend Mei designed herself.

It wasn't much. It was mostly just for storage which held most of the money they stole, weapons they used, and some other equipment.

" Well now that we're home let's go out to dinner like I was talking about earlier" Said Izuku grabbing Ochako's hand.

" Of course my love" Said Ochako.

They were the most famous Villian team in all of Japan. They were two of the most talented villians in the country.

But they were also the most romantic ones as well.

I'm not really good at writing villians.

Izuocha one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz