51-Ochako got hit

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Time for a thirsty and steamy Ochako.

Also I'll be doing a prank war one shot soon so comment ideas for pranks please.

Everyone was throwing questions at Aizawa left and right.

" Is she alright!?" Izuku yelled the first question since he cared the most about her being her best friend.

" Is she hurt!?" Mina yelled the next question.

"Where is she at sir!? " Even Ilda, the guy who always follows the rules, asked his question loudly.

He cared more about his friends then the rules anyway.

"Everyone just be quiet and I will explain!" Aizawa said very tiredly.

Everyone stopped talking so they could get some anwsers.

"Now that everyone knows that Uraraka got hit by a quirk I can say this. She is currently being looked at by Recovery girl. She doesn't have any physical wounds from what we have seen, she just needs to see if she can figure out what the Villians quirk is" Aizawa was able to make everyone feel a bit relieved.

The door to the classroom opened and recovery girl stepped inside with Ochako.

Everyone immediately wanted to ask her questions and make sure she was alright but they wanted to hear what Recovery girl has to say.

"How is she? Can she continue with lessons?" Aizawa asked recovery girl.

" Yes. She doesn't have any memory loss and she doesn't seem to act differently from what I can tell. It will take a few hours for the test to come back. But as long as you keep an eye on her activity she may continue" Recovery girl made everyone feel better about her.

" Okay. Go ahead to your seat Uraraka" Aizawa told her.

" Yes sir. " Ochako did as she was told.

" Good luck" Recovery girl said while leaving the room.

" All right back to the lesson. Now-

Izuku didn't listen. He was still a bit worries about Ochako since recovery girl couldn't find out what exactly the villians quirk did to her.

Once school was over everyone asked all kinds of questions to her. Once she answered them all everyone went their own way leaving just her and Izuku in the classroom.

Aside from Aizawa sleeping of course.

"Hey Deku!" Ochako flashed him a smile.

"Hey Uraraka. Are you alright? You had me really worried earlier. " Izuku was glad she was alright physically at least.

" Yeah of course I'm alright. I was just a bit shaken is all. You want to walk back to the dorms together?" Ochako asked seeming completely normal.

" Okay" Izuku said as he grabbed his bag and he and Ochako left the room.


' Ah finally the results' Recovery girl thought to herself holding a envelope.

She opened it up and she read the paper.

'So the quirk makes the victim's hormones go crazy. If the victim stays around who they are in love with for too long they will become very bold and attempt to seduce them, letting out their feelings in the process. The person will do anything to get to the one they love. The effects only last for a day and it only starts just a few minutes after getting a headache' Recovery girl read the paper to herself

She thought about it and she realized just how serious this is.

" I better call Aizawa and get him to her. Fast" Recovery girl grabbed her phone and immediately called him.

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