54-Prank war.

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I hate this fandom so much.

Izuku put in his locker combination.

'1-27-12' Izuku made sure he kept his number memorized for the future.

Unfortunately for him the moment he opened his locker he got sprayed by a squirt gun getting him slightly wet.

"Ah!" Izuku said while getting sprayed.

He could hear a small chuckle in the distance.

"Haha. Nice one Uraraka" Izuku called her out.

Ochako came around the corner chuckling to herself

" I got you! " Ochako laughed. She handed him a small towel showing that it was all in fun.

"I'll just get you back even harder" Izuku wiped his face.

" Yeah yeah. That's already six pranks to one. You're too nice Deku. The worst you've tried is giving me a raisin cookie" Ochako did fall for it though..

" Well it doesn't matter how much the total is as long as I get you to give up" Izuku handed the towel back to her.

" It's going to have to be pretty big. Oh by the way look" Ochako placed a finger on his chest.

Izuku looked down at her finger and Ochako swiped up gently hitting his nose.

"Shoot" Izuku fell for it.

"You really make it too easy Deku" Ochako laughed a bit.

"I will win." Izuku hoped he would.

" Good luck Deku. Let's hurry up to class now." They made their way to the classroom before the bell.

During which Izuku tried to think of some ways to make her surrender.

' It has to be something that isn't too bad but just enough to make her admit defeat' Izuku wasn't paying much attention in class.

He looked over at his crush who was paying attention. Ochako herself felt pretty confident. She was up by five anyway.

' Sorry Deku. You shouldn't have made the bet' Ochako smiled at him.

Even though Ochako had a crush on him, she wasn't going to go easy on him.

Soon the bell rang. They had decided that pranks can happen from anytime from school starting until curfew meaning Izuku and Ochako had awhile to win.

Unfortunately Izuku couldn't think of anything to do. He did the classic "water on the slightly open door" trick but Ochako saw it coming a mile away.

" How are you so good at this?!" Izuku asked her as they were walking towards the dorms.

" I know you Deku. And you're just too nice as well so you won't do anything too extreme. I'm fact I have a special prank planned for tomorrow" Ochako sent a chill down Izuku's spine.

" S-should I be worried? " Izuku asked her.

" Oh not at all. It's not even a prank for you. I'm already done pranking you so go ahead and try to catch up. " Ochako was pretty confident.

They came to the dorms and they went their separate ways.

Izuku went to his room and he tried to think of a way.

' Hm....Wait. I wonder how she would react if I told her how I feel about her...but would that count as a prank though? ... wait a second. I think I remember something from a manga!' Izuku jumped off his bed and he looked through his books.

Izuocha one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ