Villian Ochako (2)

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Okay so for whatever reason a lot of you wanted a part 2. Personally I thought it was horrible.

But since this is a good way to get more views- I mean have more people enjoy this I decided to make this a part two.

Don't get used to it though.

Izuku was completely in shock. The same girl that was nice enough to stop him from falling on his face was the Villian he just fought with.

He checked her pulse to make sure that she was still alive and thankfully she was. She was just knocked out.

' Good that she is still alive... But... Why are you a Villian Uraraka? ' Thought Izuku.

"MIDORIYA!!!" Yelled a voice behind him.

Izuku looked over his shoulder to see All might coming towards him in his skinny form and really beat up.

"All might! Your in the open!" Said Izuku as all might came up to him.

" It's alright. All the teachers got all the other students out so nobody knows. And nobody is hurt too bad aside from Aizawa... But he should be fine" Said All might.

" But you are completely hurt! You need to go to the doctor! " Said Izuku.

" I-i know... But I couldn't just go without knowing if you are alright" Said All might.

He then noticed that Izuku wasn't alone.

" Midoriya what happened here?" Asked All might.

" I got teleported here and this girl came and started to fight me. She was pretty good and I had to use about 15% to win" Said Izuku.

" I see. I'm glad you are alright. I'll get one of the teachers to come and take her to the cops" Said All might.

" Wait what!? " Said Izuku.

" She's a Villian so she will have to go to jail. As a hero you will have to do this many times" Said All might.

" Wait! Just let me talk to her first! " Said Izuku.

" Talk to her? But Midoriya she's a Villian and tried to attack you. Why would you need to talk to her? " Asked All might.

".... Because I knew her" Said Izuku.

" Really? You never mentioned you had a girlfriend before" Said All might.

"It's not like that!!! S-she just helped me out once. " Said Izuku blushing red.

" Ah I see... But Midoriya she-

" Please! Please all might! Just give me a chance!" Said Izuku bowing.

All might was taken aback. He never thought that his successor would want to actually talk to a Villian.
He thought about it and then made his decision.

"Alright Midoriya. I will give you a chance to talk to her... But she will have to be placed in a secret room with handcuffs on to be safe for the time being" Said All might.

" Thank you All might! But you really need to go get help" Said Izuku.

*A few hours later.

The brown haired villian slowly began to awaken. She sat up and tried to move her hands but found them in cuffs.

"What the hell?" Said Ochako.

She looked around the room and it was completely empty aside from the bed.

She heard the door open up and the boy she had fought with earlier stepped inside.

"H-hey" Said the boy stepping inside with a tray.

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