47-Halloween 1-Trick or treat

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Halloween is basically cancelled this year.

Doesn't really mean much to me since I'm 18.

And the 1 in the title doesn't mean that there will be a part two.

It's just the first one shot that has to do with halloween.

This was going to be it. Izuku and his girlfriend Ochako were going to go trick or treating this year and it would be the last time they do so.

"Mom I think you have enough pictures already" Izuku and Ochako were currently in their halloween costumes and Inko was taking pictures.

"You two grew up way too fast! I need pictures to remember everything! " Inko took another one.

" Miss Midoriya. We will be too late at this rate" Ochako hoped that didn't sound rude to her.

"Last one sweetie" Inko took one last picture of them.

"Is that it?" Izuku really didn't want to waste time.

"Yes. Did your parents get pictures Ochako?" Inko hoped so.

" Yes Miss Midoriya" Ochako nodded.

" Alright you two have fun and be careful" Inko had let them go on their own for the last few years but that didn't make her worry any less.

"C'mon Ochako let's go" Izuku was wearing a All might Costume.

"Right Deku" Ochako was wearing a 13 Costume.

They left the house after grabbing their halloween buckets and their glow sticks so they could see in the dark

"Same place as always?" Ochako asked her boyfriend.

"You know it! Let's just watch out for Kacchan though" Izuku shuddered at the thought of what he was up to on Halloween.

Last year he and a few others threw eggs at people. Year before that they threw toilet paper at people's houses.

"First house! I get to ring the doorbell!" Ochako rang to the doorbell to their first house.

After a few seconds a elderly woman came out.

"Trick-or-treat!" Ochako and Izuku both held out their buckets.

" Aww aren't you two adorable? Let me guess. All might and the hero 13?" The old lady pointed out.

" Yes ma'am" Izuku and Ochako both said.

" Very cute! Here ya go" The lady put a piece of candy in each of their buckets.

"Thank you!" Izuku and Ochako went off to the next house.

They continued for house after house.

"Hey Deku let's play a game" Ochako suggested.

" What kind of game? " Izuku was a bit curious as to what she was suggesting.

" We bet a piece of candy. Then we each point out someone passing by and try to name the costume that they are wearing. Whoever gets the most right wins" Ochako explained while holding up a snicker bar.

" You're on!" Izuku bet a hershey bar.

"Alright you will go first for guessing.
Hm. Okay what costume is that kid wearing? " Ochako pointed at a kid with his parents.

" Easy. That's Eraserhead" Izuku was very confident. Most kids would be wearing hero costumes so he was a expert.

"Alright. Now I try to guess one" Ochako wasn't going to back down despite the disadvantage she has.

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