19-Old times (Reverse)

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I got asked to make a part two. Once again these are one shots only. However this is how it would go if Izuku's and Ochako's positions switched.

Tell me which version you like better.

"Prince Izuku please. You must find someone to marry soon" Said a royal guard to Izuku sitting next to his mother and father on the throne.

"He is right Honey. Me and your dad won't be around forever. You need to find a wife and make her your queen" Said Inko the queen.

" Izuku if you aren't married you cannot become the next king. You need a wife so you may one day have a child to continue the royal blood line" Said Hisashi the King.

" I know. It's just I don't have any kind of experience. I've been far to busy with my Royal duties to even speak to a girl. " Said Izuku.

" If that's the problem, then we shall host a party tonight in the main hall and invite everyone from all over the kingdom" Said Hisashi.

" I don't know" Said Izuku slouching in his chair.

" Izuku we will not force you to pick someone specifically. You will have full reign to chose" Said Inko.

" Yes. You pick and we will not raise any questions" Said Hisashi.

".... Well... As long as I get to pick who then it's fine" Said Izuku.

" Splendid! Squire spread news across the kingdom at once!" Said Hisashi to his squire.

" Yes m'lord. " Said the squire bowing and then running to spread news.

' I'm sure plenty of people will want to marry me just cause they can be a future queen just like every girl my parents have introduced me to. I just want someone who likes me for me' Thought Izuku as he parents discussed the party.

I swear this will not be like Cinderella.


"Ochako please feed the pigs!" Called out Ochako's mother outside.

" Yes mother! " Said Ochako.

She raced to grab a bucket and immediately filled it with food for the pigs and brought it outside for them.

"I finished mom!" Said Ochako wiping her forehead.

" Thank you sweetie! " Said Her mother.

*Knock knock*

" Can you please get that sweetie?" Asked Her mom.

" Sure thing" Said Ochako.

She ran to the front of their house and opened the door to find a messanger.

"Hello. I'm here to deliver this. Farewell" Said the messanger leaving a scroll in Ochako's hands before running off to other houses.

Ochako shut the door and read the scroll which read:

" There is going to be a party tonight at the castle in honor of the prince. We ask that everyone attend."

" What is it Ochako? " Asked her mother coming inside wiping her hands on a cloth.

"A invitation to a party at the castle tonight mother...It says every one must attend" Said Ochako.

" Sounds splendid. We shall go ourselves" Said Her mother.

"But mother. We are far to poor for any dresses or any other nice kind of clothes" Said Ochako.

" It's quite alright dear. We will just go and have fun. Maybe you can make some friends as well" Said Her mother.

Izuocha one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now