84-Memory loss

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If you ever get tired of waiting for new chapters,go back to the previous ones and look at the comments. My favorite ones are from the Eri catches Izuocha.

Izuku's eyes slowly opened letting him see for the first time in who knows long. His body felt weak,he felt hungry,and he felt confused. He had no idea what was going on.

He didn't have enough strength to move his whole body so he instead looked around.

He noticed that he was in a bed and that the room also seemed to be a hospital one. He looked at his arm and it was hooked up to several objects. He didn't feel much pain though and he didn't feel sick. Just tired.

He finally noticed that there was a table with lots of flowers that were dead,with some that were new. There was also cards, balloons,and some candy as well.

But he had no idea what he was doing there. He didn't remember what happened and if the dead flowers were for him, then he was in here for more than just a few days.

He found a remote connected to the bed that has some features like make it go up or down. But the one he needed was the call for a nurse and he pressed it. A nurse cane into the room in just twenty seconds.

"Oh my god! You're finally awake!" She came up to Izuku and turned off the small alarm.

"F-finally awake? I don't understand" His eyes have shut as he looked at her,not having much strength still.

"Don't worry. Let me go get the doctor. You're going to be alright" She immediately left leaving Izuku alone in his bed.

'I don't like this. I don't know what's going on or why I'm here...and where is my mother at!?' He thought as he tried to lift himself from the bed but he was unable to do anything.

In another minute the nurse came back this time with a doctor.

"Hello. It's good to see you're finally up." The doctor greeted Izuku as he walked to the side of his hospital bed.

"W-what is going on!?" Izuku asked still confused.

"I know you have questions,but we have to make sure of a few things. I need you to please answer some questions. Can you tell me your full name?" The doctor asked as the nurse held a clipboard.

"I-izuku Midoryia." Izuku calmly answered.

"Alright. Do you know where you are currently at?" The doctor asked his next question.

"I-i am pretty sure I'm in a hospital" He answered again.

"Good. Now. Do you remember what happened to you before you blacked out?" The doctor asked another.

"N-no...I don't....I don't even remembering blacking out...ah!" Izuku's head felt a sharp pain as he tried to remember and he grasped his head from the pain.

"It's alright Mr Midoryia. Please don't think too hard. Nurse please give him some medicine" The doctor said as the nurse grabbed a pill and gave it to Izuku along with some water.

"Alright. Now then. What is the last thing you can remember before you woke up?" The doctor asked another question.

"I...I think it was when I was with my....friend...at school" Izuku gripped the blankets tightly.

"Do you know his name and what school?" The doctor asked.

"I...his name is Bakugo, although I call him Kacchan and he calls me Deku. As for school... Aldera Junior high" As soon as he finished answering the doctors face turned into a face of worry.

"Hm. I see. Mr Midoryia. You don't remember anything about going to U.A.?" The doctor asked his last question.

"U.A.? No. I always wanted to go there but..." He didn't want to tell the doctor that he's Quirkless.

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