23-Double date

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I hope you also ship kamijirou.

"Hey Midoriya I need your help" Said Kaminari to Izuku who was currently studying on the couch.

" With what subject?" Asked Izuku.

"No nothing like that! It's about Jirou." Said Kaminari.

" What about her?" Asked Izuku

"We are going on a date tomorrow" Said Kaminari.

"Congratulations, that's wonderful! So what's the problem? " Asked Izuku.

" I'VE NEVER BEEN ON A DATE BEFORE!!!!! " Said Kaminari starting to freak out.

" Okay calm down Kaminari. It's not that big of a deal. " Said Izuku.

" Not a big deal?! It's my first date with her! What if I screw something up?! She might never want to see me again! I mean I know her chest isn't that big but I still love her! " Said Kaminari.

" Didn't need to hear that last part. But anyway what do you want me to do about it? " Asked Izuku.

" I need your help! I need you to make sure it goes well" Said Kaminari.

" I don't think it's a good idea for me to just be hanging around you two without a reason. She might find it weird that you need someone to be there to help you out Kaminari" Said Izuku.

" Well you see that's the thing... When I asked her on a date I may have sorta told her that it was a double date... With you and Uraraka" Said Kaminari.

" WHAT!? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! " Yelled Izuku completely shocked scattering his papers all over the ground.

"Look I know it's a lot to ask but please! As your friend can't you just do this for me? Besides I just totally set you up with her. You should actually be thanking me" Said Kaminari smiling.

" No I shouldn't! You can't just go making date plans without my consent! " Said Izuku upset.

" Midoriya please! Jirou really means a lot to me and I want this to go well! " Said Kaminari.

He was on his knees begging Izuku.

"Ugh. Fine Kaminari. Just because you need help" Said Izuku.

" Great! And you don't have to worry, I already asked Uraraka and she agreed! " Said Kaminari.

" You told her that it's to help Jirou right?" Asked Izuku.

"........... Meet here tomorrow at 6" Said Kaminari who then ran away faster than lida.

" DAMNIT KAMINARI!!!" Said Izuku.

* The next day.

Izuku was currently in the living room waiting for the other three to arrive.

' Why did Kaminari ask me anyway? I've never been on a date before so how am I supposed to help him? ' Thought Izuku.

"Hey Deku!" Called out Ochako walking up to him.

She was dressed up surprisingly well.

"H-h-hey Uraraka. Your looking pretty nice" Said Izuku.

' I think I underdressed' Thought Izuku.

" Thank you Deku. You look nice as well. I'll be honest I was surprised when Kaminari told me that you agreed to a double date with me included" Said Ochako.

" Um about that. Actually ka-

" Hey you two!" Said Kaminari waving towards them. Jirou was walking by his side.

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