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I didn't want to do a part three right after the part two so here's a regular one shot.

The last thing Ochako thought she would see today was someone jumping off a building to his death. But here she was watching someone at the top of a building, looking down at the ground placing one foot forward.

"NO DON'T!" She yelled at the person but it was too late. He put the other foot forward and now began to fall from the top, guaranteeing certain death should he come into contact with the ground.

Ochako threw her bag down and ran fast at the boy falling. It was going to be close. She reached out for him and she had just barely managed to get a touch on him causing him to float above the ground. Ochako looked at him noticing his green hair and black uniform.

'He can't be much older than me. But what the heck is he doing trying to do something like that!?' She placed her hands together and let him down gently.

The boy stared up at her in disbelief, shocked that someone actually cared enough to save his life. Although the girl looked pissed and she was about to let him have a piece of her mind.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF!? DO YOU REALIZE HOW DUMB THAT IS!? THINK ABOUT YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS! YOU WOULD THROW ALL THAT AWAY!? WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT!?!?!?" She ranted off on the green haired guy who was still too much in shock to really listen to what she was saying.

"I uh-

She wasn't going to let him speak until she was finished. Ochako was just too ticked.


"...Why did you rescue me?" He asked his own question instead of answering her question.

She blinked twice before making a confused face. "W-what?" Shocked she was at his remark.

"Why didn't you just let me die?! I'm not useful to anyone, I get bullied so much, I don't have any friends, my life is meaningless, and even my own hero squashed my dreams! So why did you save me?" He asked and he could see her getting ready to spill her mind. But tears began to pour down his face, it was now getting into his mind what he had just attempted to do and he couldn't believe it

"Are you joking!? WHY WOULDN'T I SAVE YOU!? YOU THINK IM JUST GOING TO LET SOMEONE WALK TO THEIR DEATH LIKE THAT!?.."She took a bit of a breather before continuing with a calmer voice. " Look I don't know you, I don't understand your situation, and what you do is none of my business. But I refuse to let someone die when I can save him. You say your life is meaningless, yet a complete stranger stopped to help you. I think that should speak for itself" She reached out her hand to him and helped him off the ground.

"T-thanks... nobody ever said anything so nice to me before, aside from my mother... Well I shouldn't keep you" He tried to leave but Ochako grabbed his arm and immediately let go from the contact.

"L-listen! I'm not about to let you go off on your own! You could easily try to kill yourself again. I'm going to make sure you personally get home safe" She ran and grabbed her bag before coming quickly back to him. "From now until you get home I'm staying by your side!" Ochako stood her ground on her words and Izuku knew that it was pointless to argue with her.

"Um sure" He was still surprised after everything, from him jumping to someone caring enough to save his life. He wasn't sure which one he was surprised more at.

"So lead on to your way home, and I'll make sure you get there. You said you have a mom, is she home?" She asked still feeling quite irritated and it showed.

Izuocha one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz