66-Pockey game

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If you ever try to pockey do not get the banana flavor. It's nasty as shit.

It was a Saturday night when Mina had a idea to get one of her dream pairings together.

" Alright guys let's play a game!" Mina suggested where very few students were currently downstairs in the main room on a Sunday night.

" I don't like where this is going" Momo said on the couch next to Ochako.

" A pockey game! " Mina held up a box of pockey.

"What's that?" Izuku asked not knowing anything.

"You take this stick and place it in your mouth. Than someone else puts the other end in their mouth and you both try to get as close as you can eating the stick together without breaking it. " Mina explained the rules.

" W-wont that end up in a k-kiss?" Ochako blushed at the thought of doing it with Izuku.

" Yep! Sure is! So what do y'all say?!" Mina seemed pretty entergetic for some reason.

" Mina we sh-

" Now Iida. Kissing is not against the rules and we won't be forcing anyone to actually kiss. They can back out anytime they want. And since everyone in here is straight we can make the parings boy and girl" Mina shut down Iida before he could finish his objection.

He sat down and adjusted his glasses without a word.

"So what do you guys think?" Mina asked.

"How do we decide the pairs?" Kirishima asked sitting criss cross on the ground next to the couch.

"We can draw names. If you draw the same sex just redraw it. " Mina fetched some paper,cut it into several pieces, and wrote down everyone's names down and placed them in a hat.

"Alright first pairing is.... Me and Kirishima!" Mina said excited.

Kirishima didn't seem to have a problem with it at all.

Mina and him sat down face to face with each other. Mina took a pockey from the box, sticking on end in her mouth and Kirishima stuck the other in his mouth.

They both chewed very slowly moving their faces closer and closer and than their lips made contact in just a few short seconds.

"Easy" Mina said pulling back from the quick kiss swallowing the pockey.

Kirishima also swallowed his bit as well enjoying the chocolate.

Mina reached back to the hat and pulled out the next two names.

She had a small chuckle as she read the names she pulled out.

"Midoriya...And Ochako!" She said very happy.

Ochako nearly had a heart attack and Izuku nearly had a stroke.

"W-what?!" Ochako couldn't believe it. She both cursed and thanked her luck at the same time.

" Seems kinda suspicious Mina" Momo had a feeling she cheated.

"There was no cheating. This was done completely fair" Mina held up two fingers crossed together.

' Not! I secretly wrote the names on both sides so I would know which ones to pick! ' Mina knew it was dirty but she was only doing this to help Ochako get with Izuku. Sometimes you gotta do a little bad to do a lot of good.

"You two do not have do it Midoriya and Uraraka. It's just a game" Iida reminded the two.

" Yeah U-uraraka we don't have to do this" Izuku could see Ochako was struggling with this.

"Let's do it" Ochako surprisingly agreed to do it.

"R-really?" A blush went to Izuku's face hearing this.

"I-i mean it's only fair since Mina and Kirishima had to do it. And we shouldn't b-back down from a challenge! " That was Ochako's logic.

But secretly she really wanted a chance to possibly kiss him.

Not that she would say that out loud or anything

"A-alright" Izuku said. He was shaking as he got close to Ochako as they moved to the floor.

She took a pockey out from the box and stuck one end in her mouth. Izuku did the same with the other end as they're eyes met.

They could both feel the heat from the blush on their faces from the other person.

"Hey Mina. The only people who haven't gone after these two is me and Iida" Momo whispered to Mina.

" So? " Mina asked.

" You know I like Todoroki!" Momo made sure nobody else heard that.

"Don't worry. After this Midoriya and Ochako will be so embarrassed they will leave and the game won't have to continue. Trust me" Mina turned back to Ochako and Izuku who hadn't even began to chew yet.

" C'mon you two! At least make a effort!" Mina cheered the two on.

The two ignored her because they were too busy in their embarrassing position.

This was still a challenge and they wanted to win so they both slowly began to chew down on the stick together in sync.

They got closer and closer and Mina wanted to squeal like a child on christmas morning.

They stopped just short of their lips making contact,their blushes growing more and more with each ticking second.

They looked each other eyes and they seemed to silently agree to do it. They proceeded to move in taking in the last bit of pockey making contact with each other.

They're blushes flamed higher but something in their minds clicked. Something they were holding back was set free.

They swallowed the bit of pockey in their mouths then they deepened the kiss.

"Damn" Kirishima was surprised by their actions.

"Yay! About time!" Mina cheered for them.

But suddenly they heard something they didn't expect.

" Ah fuck" Ochako said once the kiss broke and they dived back in.

" Language you two!" Iida scolded them but they didn't listen to his words. They were suddenly getting bold.

"Hey Momo make me some handcuffs please" Mina requested.

"Okay but why?" Momo asked using her quirk to make some fulfilling the request.

"No reason" Mina took the handcuffs.

"Damn Deku you're being rough" Ochako felt Izuku take his lips off and start to kiss and bite gently on her neck.

"Want me to stop?" Izuku asked in between his kisses.

" Please don't do that" Ochako begged stroking his green hair as he was going to town.

"Alright I have to put a end to this!" Iida got off his spot from the couch to intervene.

Mina sprinted into action. She tackled Iida to the ground and handcuffed his hands behind his back.

"Sorry Iida but I can't have you interfering in this one" Mina locked the handcuffs.

Mina looked at the two and both their shirts were off and Izuku was currently groping her boobs with her bra still on.

"Want to take this back to my room?" Ochako asked as they split with a string of saliva connected from their lips.

"Hell yes' Izuku instantly agreed.

Izuku took her hand and she led him to her room.

"Mission accomplished" Mina smiled happily.

Next chapter will take a few days to come.

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