63-Arranged marriage

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First chapter of the new year and it's a long over 3000 words one. Enjoy it.

" Ochako sweetie please just think about it for a moment" The king asked his daughter who barricaded herself in her chambers.

" NO! I WON'T DO IT!" Ochako the princess yelled from in her room.

" Please just give it a chance sweetie" The queen begged her daughter.

" NO! IM NOT MARRYING SOMEBODY THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW! HE COULD BE A TOTAL ASSHOLE OR CREEP FOR ALL I KNOW! "Ochako stomped around her room in frustration throwing a few items around.

"Honey at least give it a chance. This is how me and your mother got together" The king placed a hand around his wife.

" I'm not like you two! I don't want to marry someone who I don't even know what their name is! " Ochako calmed down a bit after letting her frustration out.

"His name is Izuku Midoriya sweetie. I'm sure he is a nice young lad" The king told Ochako her future husband's name.

" How do you know if he's so nice?" Ochako asked her parents.

"Well...I know his mother and she is a very good woman indeed" Her mother spoke.

" So you really don't even know what he's like? You're both just assumed" Ochako sat down on her bed.

"... C'mon. Let's leave her for a bit, let her take some time" The queen took her husband away from the door.

Ochako placed her hands into her face and she began to cry. She was going to be forced into a marriage. And with a complete stranger.

She had never been more upset in her time as a princess.

*Knock knock*

"Princess Uraraka?" A voice called from the other side.

"One second!" Ochako recognized the voice. She moved everything away from her bedroom door a opened the door letting one of the female servants in.

"Hello princess Uraraka" The servant named Asui bowed before her as she held a basket.

"Hey. What do you need?" Ochako asked shutting the door after Asui came inside.

" I came to see if you need anything princess. I also brought some more bed sheets in case you needed some" Asui placed the basket on a table.

" I don't need anything" Ochako rubbed her eyes trying to stop her crying.

" Princess. Have you been crying?" Asui asked taking notice.

"Don't worry about it " Ochako sat back down on her bed.

" Is this about the arranged marriage between you and the prince Midoriya?" Asui asked.

" What!? H-how did you know that?! " Ochako asked in suprise that she knew.

"The King and Queen gathered most people in the Castle, including the guards and mandhaidens, to make the announcement. There's a feast getting ready for after they arrive. If you wish to attend afterwards princess Uraraka" Asui explained to her.

" No thanks. I'm not in the mood for food" Ochako declined the invitation.

" I see.... Princess Uraraka. If I may ask. Why do you not want to get married?" Asui asked being curious.

" It's not that I don't want to get married. I just don't want to marry someone I don't even know" Ochako still felt furious that she wasn't even given a choice.

"Do you already have someone else you wanted to marry?" Asui asked.

"I wish. At least then I would know him then" Ochako curled up in a small ball.

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