Mind, Body, and Soul. Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Everyone split off into different directions to take on their designated asteroid. Xander sped forward and stared at the massive object. "They said each one was as large as Jupiter itself, but they look a lot bigger." He looked down at his hands as his cerulean energy circled them delicately. "I don't know if I can do it." He sounded almost defeated. "But I have to at least try." He threw out his arms, detached his weapons, and sent his spinning blades at the asteroid.

The six blades all sped up a different side, cutting into it several feet deep, but when they exited the top, he noticed that the gashes were repairing themselves, rapidly. His eyes grew wide, then they shrunk to slits as he focused. He tried wrapping the entire object in his telekinetic power, but it was so large he couldn't stretch it across the entire thing.

"Looks like I need to think outside the box for this one." He began to tap his chin in thought, but he couldn't stay focused as the asteroid just got closer and closer. An idea popped into his head, he snapped his fingers and activated his weapons second form. They quickly multiplied and surrounded the object amplifying his range and control of the telekinetic energy. The asteroid was quickly covered in a light blue haze of his power, as he pushed his hands out to try and hold it back. It was no use though, he soon realized, as his entire body was getting pushed back and the asteroid steadily grew closer to the Earth.

He knew he couldn't release his grip cause it was at least slowing it down, but he needed to find a way to destroy it in its entirety. A new idea came to mind and he filled the center of his rings with his telekinetic energy. Then each one pointed at the asteroid all at once. They charged up, growing brighter like hundreds of tiny blue stars, while the power built up in his own hands. It took a considerable amount of time as he also had to focus on holding the asteroid back.

In one swift moment, he pulled in all the energy that had been wrapped around the asteroid to hold it back. It quickly was engulfed into the already potent force inside his hands and all at once, he fired out the strongest telekinetic pulse he ever had. The one he directly released wasn't the strongest,  as every ring that fired, had released an attack in equal measure, multiplying the overall force by a thousandfold, nearly. The impact was comparable to Serena's first all-out assault she tried, considering hers had been visible just moments before.

A cloud of dust and debris spread out, making him believe maybe he had done it, but was instantly disappointed as all the shards that had been shot off reconnected to the main body and charged even faster towards the Earth.

'Well if I worked twenty-four-seven I could maybe take this thing out in a month.' Serena's sarcastic tone popped into his head.

'Same here.' He agreed.

'We could just let them hit Earth.' Liz chimed in a rather unsurprising bit of pessimism.

'Shut up and just keep trying.' Serena's voice bared down on her.


"God, Liz has been a lot darker since she got back...I wonder if something happened to her." He spoke to himself, knowing it would be best to not say it where the others could hear him.

"There is good reason for that." Kesmian's voice butted into his self-conversation.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he reinstated his former tactic to at least slow it down, while he also tried to listen to his mentor.

"When Liz was imprisoned, she was tortured and ultimately infected with something." He informed Xander with a cautious tone.

"By what, and whom." Xander's tone was cold, sharp, and to the point. He may be an overall goofy and spontaneous person, but when it came down to protecting his sisters he became an entirely different person. A very vicious, vindictive, and cruel person.

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