Mind, Body, and Soul Chapter 8

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"Serena." Diamoxa caught his pupil's attention. "Punch it." He said simply. "Hard."

Serena shrugged her shoulders and approached the object. Reeling back her fist, she delivered a devastating blow that shook the ground all around them and vibrated the trees in the distance. A large crack developed across the face of the object before it shattered into pieces revealing Damien.

"Are there any more of those things?" He asked in annoyance as he stood up and adjusted his clothes.

"No, that was the last one on this planet and we are way out of range now, so you won't have to worry," Diamoxa answered.

"I'm hungry, I vote we eat." Xander blurted out.

"Really, food. Right now?" Serena questioned him.

"Yeah, I could go for some Mexican food." Liz ignored Serena and responded to her brother.

"I was thinking Chinese," Damien added in.

Serena sighed in frustration as she rolled her eyes and threw her hands up. "Fine, I can tell when I've lost."

"Well we are off the far Florida coast right now, so it would only take us about twenty minutes to get there," Diamoxa informed them.

"Let's go!" Xander cheered as he took off.

"Does he know where he's going?" Serena questioned as everyone followed him.

"He gets lost going to the bathroom at night." Liz retorted. They quickly intercepted him and directed him the right way.

The flight to Oklahoma wasn't long, and within a short time, they were flying over the border high in the clouds to avoid being seen.

"Xander once we leave cloud coverage you need to use your powers to blend us in, like last time." Kesmian gave direction to his pupil. He nodded his head and made the same hand formations as before, they left the cloud coverage and made a gentle landing on the ground in the middle of the state capital.

"So where do you want to eat?" Xander asked the group.

"I'm down for Chinese. If we must stop and eat, then I wanna eat well." Serena responded as she stuck her tongue out at her brother.

"Chinese works for me," Liz added behind her sister.

"Yeah, I'm down." Damien gave the final vote.

"Then it's settled, to the nearest buffet!" Xander cheered aloud as he pointed in a random direction.

"Before you just go wandering, I'll look up a nice five-star buffet." Serena held him back as she pulled her phone out and started searching. Everyone else walked around their location as they realized they were in the middle of the Oklahoma Bombing Memorial in downtown Oklahoma City.

"Well, this is depressing." Xander blurted out bluntly causing Serena to look at him with annoyance.

"Don't say such rude things." Kesmian's bright blue idol appeared, floating around Xander as he took in everything around him. A long shallow pool sat in the middle with walkways on either side. To one side were multiple rows of chairs and on the other was a grove of trees and further down were grass steps, bordered in stone bricks. Two large rectangular monuments sat on either end of the pool. One with 9:01 and the other with 9:03 etched on their faces.

"The Oklahoma City Bombing, a terrorist attack perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. They planted a truck bomb outside the Alfred P. Murrah Building, injuring over six hundred people and killing well over a hundred and fifty." Everyone gathered around him as he spoke. "It destroyed over one-third of the building and damaged or destroyed over three hundred and fifty buildings in the surrounding area." He paused for a moment as the other two masters appeared next to him.

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