Mind, Body, and Soul Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"We have to go back!" Zarbourus tried to stop mid-flight and turned on his heels only to be met by Diamoxa, who flew at him faster than he could react. He gripped his arm and threw him back in his original direction.

"We have to do what we're told. I know it's hard, but she's right, only we know where she is, and we must get to her. Her planet needs her." He yelled at him. Zarbourus tried to stop again but Diamoxa grabbed the collar of his robe and began carrying him as he flew down the corridors with Kesmian right behind. "This is a very important mission we have been given. Esmerelda is strong. I believe in her strength." Diamoxa spoke confidently as they flew threw a large door that led out of the castle.

Their eyes adjusted quickly to the light change as the Capitol City came into view. Large decorative towers covered in purple vines were scattered across the area. Dome buildings were spread around closer to the surface with gold etchings on them, they were connected by large steel-bricked walkways and mini railways that carried passengers across different areas of the Capitol and some further away to different locations of Planet Jupiter. Below the Capitol City was a dense fog that hid the most vital part of their planet, The Underlands.

For the most part, citizens flew or walked from one destination to another via their own natural abilities. They had highly advanced technology, far superior to anything in their current galaxy, all reliant on self-made energy that their people created hundreds of thousands of years ago. Due to the lack of any form of harmful energy backlash, or the like, there was zero pollution on their planet.

Many other planets were jealous of the technological advances the people of Jupiter have made in the last few generations, surpassing several galaxies in technology. Some people voiced concern that Jupiter might turn on their treaties or start a takeover.

Looking down, the guardians noticed the streets were empty, the bombshells were deployed on every home, and the artillery shields over the weapons towers had been activated as well. Jupiter takes pride in their home due to its ability to withstand any invasion. Their energy towers were self-protected by magnetic waves that were emitted from the device. The magnetic wave fires out at a constant rate, durable enough to even withstand several nuclear explosions.

"Good everyone is safe, so we don't need to worry about protecting anyone. Let's hurry and get to the transference chamber so we can get to Earth." Diamoxa spoke as he led the way only to be interrupted mid-flight by a large explosion to their right as the woman known as Scydera came flying towards them and crashed into a stone column creating a large crater in it. The columns were decorative so they never placed protection on those, but they probably should.

Esmerelda wasn't far behind as she too slammed into the stone column and then both were struck by a giant energy ball that came from the same direction. As the stone column crumbled to the ground, Kesmian quickly used his telekinetic powers to stop the pieces from crashing to the ground. He caught the silhouette of someone through the smoke and threw the chunks toward the figure. As they closed in on their target, they were intercepted by a mass of chains that either shot through or wrapped around the boulders halting the attack. The smoke cleared to reveal the same orange-haired man from moments ago, the chains whipped back and hurled the stones towards the guardians.

"Your fight is with me not them!" Esmerelda's voice yelled out as the body of Scydera shot towards the ground like a missile and collided, creating an even larger crater into the steel brick sidewalk. Suddenly Esmerelda charged full force toward the attacker. "Scarlet Devastation!" She screamed as she threw her hands forward sending out a massive wave of blue flames that completely disintegrated all the incoming boulders.

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