Mind, Body, and Soul. Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Damien charged forward as he split the swamp water with his sheer speed, he was behind Bartoli in the blink of an eye, but Bartoli had eight of them. He countered Damien's attack by snapping one of his arms backward and blocked it with his gauntlet. He spun his whole body around and thrust his shark gauntlet forward shooting out a powerful pressurized beam of water as large as the shark's mouth. The sheer force tore apart the tree stumps and left grooves in the land as Damien dodged out of the way.

He snapped his fingers and ripped earth up from underneath the water and showered Bartoli with shards of stone, who thrust forward with his red dragon head gauntlet and unleashed a powerful flame burst that melted the stone shards. Damien reacted by throwing out a wave of fireballs, but Bartoli thrust out his green dragon head gauntlet and released a powerful gust of wind that blew them away.

They fired out pressured streams of water at the same time creating an expansive mist across the area clouding each other from vision. Damien took the advantage and created several water elementals that began to release a dense fog that mixed with the mist. Bartoli tried to blow it all away by releasing a powerful tornado of air, but none of it moved. He then felt the ground vibrate as a large fissure began to rip through the earth and approach him. A fierce punch into the ground counteracted the attack and ripped apart it apart all around him uprooting Damien from his position underground.

Bartoli leaped into the air with speed that he didn't expect and he was slammed into the ground with a powerful blow from Bartoli's weapon. He was quick to recover as he latched water whips onto his four arms and used them as a support to pull them together at great speeds. Damien slammed his foot into Bartoli's stomach and shot him off into the distance, out of sight. He quickly recovered as he sent out a volley of fireballs then followed behind them with gusts of wind to increase their power. Damien was quick to block them but was blind-sided by a giant stone pillar that shot at him from the side. Damien slammed his fist into the pillar causing it to crumble, he then waved his hand and fired off the shards of stone towards Bartoli.

He slammed his two dragon gauntlets together which created a powerful shockwave that broke through the shards and knocked Damien backward. Bartoli charged at him with intense speed, but he was countered at Damien summoned his weapon and wrapped it around his opponent. He whipped around and slammed Bartoli into the ground with such force it left a massive crater.

Bartoli quickly gathered back to his feet and rapidly punched the air with all four gauntlets creating a barrage of ranged elemental attacks. "The elements won't work on me," Damien smirked as raised one hand and stopped the attack with ease. A shocked look swept across Bartoli's face before it disappeared.

"I'm far from done." He spoke as he raised his four weapons, they began to glow with brilliant light as they changed from beast shaped gauntlets to scimitar style blades with handles that wrapped around each hand. He leaped in the air and let out an array of elemental slicing attacks as he swung his blades in rapid succession.

Damien put up a shield to block himself from the attack, but the attack cut through his shields like butter. He quickly dodged out of the way and sent off a barrage of fireballs towards him. He then jumped into the air and began to spin, as he did so, he shot out air needles right behind his attack. When he landed he slammed his foot against the ground to rip apart the earth, summoned his weapon again, then whipped it around slapping the boulders towards Bartoli. To finish off his attack he raised his fingers and fired out super pressurized water streams from each one.

Bartoli stood strong as he waved his wind blade and created a gust so strong that it not only blocked Damien's attack but also tore apart several hundred acres of land behind him. Damien snapped his whip and unleashed its second form as the crystal ends began to glow.

Mind, Body, and Soul.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon