Mind, Body, and Soul. Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

The Guardians all rose in the air staring at the remaining ship as Tarmastia and Teserea levitated between the group and their General's vessel. A bright flash lit up the area before Tormond, Scydera, and Modoro revealed themselves.

"Back from the dead are we?" Liz crossed her arms through her rhetorical question.

"Oh child, the thing is..." Modoro started, but his voice was different, darker and more sinister. His head was hung low, face covered, but he quickly snapped his neck upright revealing massive scars across it and even more intimidating were his completely black eyes. "We just can't die." He finished with a maniacal laugh. He then raised one hand as a circle of magikal runes spread through the air and lit ablaze. He shot them out with intense speed, zipping towards the Guardians at a breakneck pace.

They shot higher into the air just in time and scattered. Damien summoned his whip, instantly activating its second form, then shot out pressurized water streams towards him. Modoro jumped out of the way, but one stream caught his shoulder and pierced it clean through. He laughed at the pain as he just watched the hole heal itself and then threw out several bolts of lightning, before Sycdera's body was slammed into his shooting them both hard into the ground with devastating force.

Serena stared at the site she just caused with a big smile. "I have been wanting to go all out on your ass since I met you, I'm glad you survived the first time." She brushed her hair out of her face. "Because I wanted to be the one to kill you." Her voice was dark and intense She charged full speed towards them and closed the distance in an instant. She slammed her feet into both their bodies with so much power she destroyed several buildings and sent a massive earthquake across the whole city.

Tarmastia tried to attack her, but Xander stood in his way. "This is going to be payback for earlier." He cast out his ring blades before throwing several tons of rubble towards him at devastating speeds. The blue opponent released an array of electric bolts towards the debris and broke through it, he then followed with one massive lightning bolt from the sky, but this time Xander was ready. His ring blades intercepted the attack, they spun at rapid pace like a tunnel that directed the bolt into a single path directly above his head. At the perfect distance between Xander and the attack, the blades then broke apart and created one massive ring blade that had a powerful redirection field spread across its center. The lightning bolt struck down and was forced back towards the caster in less than a second.

Teserea charged toward Xander, but was suddenly trapped in energy chains and thrown towards the ground. An onslaught of energy bombs quickly followed and completely wrecked the surrounding area. She stood back up and released a spread of ice bullets before she leapt into the air and created one massive ice shard she launched toward Liz. Teserea didn't let up either, as she fired out a powerful ice beam that sped past her other attacks and caught Liz's leg freezing it solid.

Liz retaliated, releasing a massive wave of energy from her body that unfroze her leg, then she raised both hands and activated her hand cannons. Soon the sky was filled with fireworks as her energy bullet barrage collided with Teserea's ice attacks.

Tormond directed his attention to Destiny and Eris. "Now they have humans doing their dirty work." He scoffed at them but was met with Eris' fire gauntlet slamming into his face with a point blank explosion.

Destiny backed her up by changing her weapon into a large two handed energy cannon and firing out a devastating beam at him. He was slammed into the ground then grinded across it into a building before it ended with a massive explosion that caused the entire structure to fall on top of him. He was quickly back to his feet as several chains erupted from the ground, lifted debris off him, and slung it towards them. They dodged out of the way, but were caught as several chains appeared from below them and wrapped around their bodies.

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