Mind, Body, and Soul. Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"LIZ!" Xander screamed through the house causing everyone to jump. "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY LIPSTICK?" He roared even loader.

She suddenly rounded his doorway wearing a pair of dark green skinny jeans, a flowy, pilgrim sleeved, cream-colored blouse with a bright yellow tank top underneath it. Her shoes were a pair of brighter green stiletto heels, and a dark green color adorned her lips, her hair lightly curled with one single curl hanging in front of her face.

"It's right here." She threw it at the back of his head, but he stopped it in midair without even looking. He turned to face her, his face covered in makeup. His dark brown, overdrawn brows sat above beautifully blended rainbow eyeshadow and an equally beautiful rainbow highlight across his cheekbones and down his perfectly contoured nose. He had large lashes on and his hair had been pulled up into a tight high ponytail, a ponytail piece was attached at the top and was wrapped around itself into a bun. All he had on was a dark green silk robe.

He quickly and perfectly applied his lipstick without even using his hands or looking. "If I wasn't so happy that my powers make getting in drag sooo much easier, I'd probably be pissed." He grabbed the lipstick out of the air and walked up close to her.

She took a hit of a joint she had and blew the smoke in his face, but he didn't move as he seemed to examine her face. "What?" She snapped.

"Plus that color actually looks good on you." He replied as he tucked the object into her bra and walked out of the room. "Keep it." He spoke as he rounded the corner and headed down the spiral staircase towards the kitchen.

"Sweet." Liz nodded her head as she pulled the lipstick out of her bra and put it in her pocket. Suddenly the joint she had between her lips flew out of the air, down the staircase and into Xander's hand.

"I want this as payment. K, thanks bye." He quickly finished as he entered their beautiful soft orange kitchen.

"I'm hungry and I don't know what for." He spoke in a sing-song fashion as he rummaged through the fridge. He bent down to dig through the drawers when he felt a powerful smack across his rear end. He yelped and snapped upright slamming his head into one of the shelves and knocked several items across the floor, including two milk jugs that busted open, spreading the white substance across their hardwood floors.

"Fuck you, and I'm not cleaning this mess up," Xander replied in response as he floated in the air and around the mess before landing back down in front of the pantry. He swung the door open and began to rummage through that.

Damien laughed as he waved his hand and all of the objects began to rise up off the floor, the milk flew back into the cartons and everything was placed delicately back inside the fridge as he shut the door.

"Since when can you just move whatever you want?" He questioned as he was still rummaging through the pantry. He leaned back up, walked out of the small room, and looked Damien straight in the eyes. "A better question is how I knew what happened without actually seeing it."

"Your powers are developing," Kesmian spoke as he suddenly appeared in full form next to them. "Damien is realizing almost everything contains one of the four basic elements inside it. His senses are heightening, allowing him to sense even microscopic particles of, say, water or earth inside of something. Knowing, and sensing that, he can manipulate those particles, allowing him to, therefore, manipulate multiple things." He paused for a moment hoping they could keep up.

"Wicked." Damien nodded his head with a smirk across his face.

"And you, you have a close relationship with Damien, you're connected with him on a mental level, like with your siblings. You mustn't forget, you also do possess telepathic powers as well. You can't control people's minds or see their deepest darkest secrets, but being connected to people allows you to attach yourself to their five basic senses. Your illusion, so to speak, abilities to manipulate people's senses to blend yourself in or out of any situation, those are an extension of your telepathic powers, which is how this new ability of yours works." He gave them a wide-eyed expression as though waiting for some form of acknowledgment that they understand.

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