Mind, Body, and Soul. Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

It wasn't long before Planet Jupiter came into view with its thick red clouds. They burst through the atmosphere and their eyes caught sight of their Master's homeworld. It was beautiful, several large dome structures floated in the air that was connected with steel walkways. The entire planet seemed to be on some kind of lockdown with defenses to the max. Large spires were spread across the surface that seemed to be emitting a powerful shield to keep out intruders as well.

"The planet is currently under Esmerelda's protection so she has our entire defense grid activated to keep the planet safe," Kesmian informed them as he suddenly took his full form back into his green and gold bodysuit.

"Is that why there is no one in sight?" Eris asked as she flew close to him.

"Yes, when the defenses are up everyone is ordered to remain inside their homes until the barriers are retracted. Even the Underlands are completely covered in defense procedures."

"The Underlands?" Eris questioned.

"It's where the Capitol gets all of its produce and meats. It's an entire agricultural zone that's placed underneath our Capitol City. They do all of the farming and such things, then send it off weekly to suppliers that distribute it across the city. The workers have the first pick of what they grow before they send everything else off, then in exchange, they receive other items." He continued explaining as they saw the massive structures of the Capitol coming into view over a large mountain range.

"Like what?" Destiny asked as she became intrigued by their conversation.

"Pretty much anything they want. They aren't slaves, they aren't forced to stay down there or anything. When a Jupitarian reaches their young adult age, they go on a sort of a path of self-discovery across the planet, or if necessary, beyond that. They figure out their own path, some love the agriculture life and want to be a part of it, others admire all the diplomats of the planet and want to be just like them, others have a different path that led them to new cities or even new planets." Diamoxa answered as he suddenly appeared next to Kesmian.

"I wish the Earth was like that." Eris daydreamed of such a perfect society existing on her homeworld.

"The Earth is still in its growing phase, but if they don't start figuring themselves out, they could ultimately draw themselves into extinction," Kesmian spoke with a grim tone. "Jupiter's declaration over Earth may protect it from others, but she once said to me 'If the human race makes no attempt to help themselves, then they deserve to perish and be reborn again.' Meaning that if they drive themselves to extinction then she will just go on to reset the planet."

"Woah, well then we better get our shit in gear." Eris proclaimed with concern.

"Don't worry dear, if such a thing happens, not even your great-great-grandchildren will still be around to see it." He tried to cheer her up.

"Who said I want kids?" She snapped her head in his direction with her eyebrow arched.

"Well then if you don't, that's even less to worry about." Diamoxa laughed as they began their descent towards the main Castle where Esmerelda stood at the large main gate and watched them land.

As they touched down, Esmerelda bowed to them and they all returned the favor. "I am sorry to hear about your partner." She turned to look at Diamoxa and Kesmian. "And your sister." She gave them a weak but sincere smile not knowing what else to say. They nodded in response to her, and even having to think about it brought a single tear to Diamoxa's eye, but he held strong. "Right, let's go. We have people waiting." She turned and led them inside the entrance. The castle itself was very reminiscent of old gothic Victorian style castles. Large gargoyles sat atop platforms all scattered about, long slender spikes topped every building peak, even the massive windows were blocked by large steel cages, but still openly let in all the light.

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