Mind, Body, and Soul Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Are we there yet?" Xander whined for the millionth time.

"I swear to everything that if you say that again I am throwing you onto the nearest asteroid and blowing it up!" Liz screamed at him in annoyance.

"We are almost there. Right past this planet. Madrion, a planet full of carnivorous plants and animals. It's actually quite scary if you aren't expecting it." Kesmian laughed as though remembering something that had happened, Zarbourus began to blush in response confirming the suspicion that something definitely happened.

"Well, thanks for the advice." Liz rolled her eyes and flew passed it when a bright red and blue planet came into view. "Is that it?" She asked

"Yes, that's Neoplation. It's water is red due to a high concentration of iron in it. The warriors of this planet are not to be underestimated." Diamoxa told them as they closed in on the planet. "It's also covered in lava." 

"They have arenas scattered across their whole planet to hold combat of all different types and at all different times." Zarbourus took over. "They live and breathe combat, any and all disputes are settled in the ring, and if a man wants to marry a woman he has to best her in combat. The women are incredibly strong and train twice as hard to find only the best suitors to procreate with."

"You say that like they don't have sex for fun." Xander mocked.

"They don't. They only do so for procreation during a certain time of the year in their mating season." He confirmed.

"Well, that sounds barbaric." Xander huffed.

"From their perspective, the same could be said of you." Kesmian laughed and he flew down through the clouds that held tiny pieces of diamond inside them that grew ever so slowly, until they fell to the ground, becoming too big for the cloud to hold up, similar to rain on Earth. The landscape came into view as everyone began to fly below the clouds. The area was covered in stone buildings on top of large plateaus with deep crevasses between each one that stretched for miles. Small pools of lava were scattered across the plateaus and as they flew across the surface they would occasionally see something playing in the lava pools.

"What are those?" Serena asked as she squinted her eyes and adjusted her vision to zoom in and see what was down there. They were small four-legged beasts in various shades of red and purple. A few of them were even blue. Some of them had only two arms while others had four, and some sported small nubs of horns while others seemed to have small wings growing on their backs, not developed enough to fly just yet though.

"Those are adolescent Neoplatians. They are relatively small compared to adults. Their King is far larger than any Neoplatian that has come before him." Kesmian answered cheerfully.

"So where are we going from here?" Xander questioned as he spun around in the air.

"Best bet would be the Castle," Kesmian responded simply to him.

"Which is where?" Serena raised an eyebrow at him as she stared down into one of the arenas and watched as two Neoplatians fought. They were tall four-armed creatures with six legs. Absolutely massive in size, easily able to topple skyscrapers with one punch. "You were right. They are big."

Kesmian smirked before answering. "It's about a three-minute flight from here." He then took the lead and everyone followed behind closely.

They were quickly floating in front of the gigantic structure. It had a mote of red water around it and an extremely large drawbridge entrance that was currently closed. They all looked around at the buildings' medieval features. Stone towers hundreds of feet tall were scattered throughout, each connected by chains to a large central tower that was insanely gigantic. Tall enough that you couldn't see the top or the bottom from ground level and wide enough you could fit a city inside.

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