Mind, Body, And Soul. Chapter 1

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By: Serenity Rose

Chapter 1

               "Guardians, Hurry!" Esmerelda yelled, "You must get to the throne room before the intruders do."  She turned around to the three figures standing behind her.

"Diamoxa you're the fastest, get a head start and clear out any trash on your way," Kesmian spoke. Diamoxa nodded his head, turned, and took off down the corridors, disappearing out of sight as he turned down a hallway.

Esmerelda looked the two remaining guardians up and down. "We have already lost one queen, we can't afford to lose another."

"Don't talk about her like she's dead." One guardian spoke up which caught Esmerelda's glare. "We didn't lose her, she left to better herself and our planet. She knew her sister would be a much better fit and that has been proven thus far." He stared back at her. Her extremely long, tightly curled red hair rested against her back. Her piercing, feline-shaped yellow eyes stared down the end of her pointed nose, eyes that judged without remorse. All held inside her small and petite frame that always had some sort of fancy and elaborate battle robes covering it.

"Zarbourus, you know as well as I do that she abandoned her post and just pawned off her position to the next in line. Her husband died, and she went AWOL. You're right, her sister was a better fit because she knew that the Queen's position is one you can't just abandon." Esmerelda snapped without removing her gaze from the guardian.

"You had a problem with her since before she abandoned her post. Don't act like she is the most treasonous person to ever step foot on this planet. Your father held that title when he murdered the King." He retorted with a calm voice and expressionless face. "You've been jealous of her since the day they made her Queen. You had high hopes to be the next in line to get the crown after your father thought he'd be crowned the new King when he killed his brother." His tone changed to exaggerate his facts, regardless of how disrespectful they came off.

"How dare you speak that way to me. I am your superior; you will watch what you say. Spreading lies will only get you banished." Esmerelda spat back with a look of delight spread across her face.

               Kesmian turned his face and made direct eye contact with her. "Esmerelda, did you forget that she still holds her title, as not only just Queen of Planet Jupiter, but after her wedding, she also now holds the title of Princess of the Galaxy, so I'd suggest you watch the things you say about her. One of the reasons she did what she did is because she knew she was going to get stuck with the responsibilities of that title as well. She was our top fighter and was offered her gem before she was given the crown, but she turned it down because she didn't feel she was ready. She is far stronger than any of her guardians, and that includes you." He paused for a moment. "Also, you may be our superior, but that doesn't make you stronger than us. We have equal power in case you forgot, Esmerelda." Kesmian turned and looked at his brother-in-arms, "Zarbourus, we need to head towards the throne room and help Diamoxa, we have no more time to waste chatting. Let's go." They both looked at Esmerelda and bowed as they took off in the same path as their brother-in-arms, down the metallic stone corridor.

                Left stunned by what was just said, Esmerelda, followed but turned down the opposing hallway from where the guardians went. Quickly shaking her head from the conversation that was just had, "These intruders are my concern right now, besides if I find them, I can let off some of this steam."

               As she turned down another hallway, she was met by a group of armed soldiers charging in her direction. She quickly jumped over them and spun around to face their backs. As the soldiers turned to face her, she clapped her hands and suddenly the walls on both sides of the soldiers slammed together and crushed them. She spun back around and took off again. "These men don't have a lot of fight in them. I wonder if they are even aware of who they are invading" Esmerelda whispered to herself as she took a more casual pace down the hallway.

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