Mind, Body, and Soul. Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

All they could do is watch as the planet died, the shockwave that followed the implosion, was strong enough it even destroyed the three moons that formally orbited around it. It was lucky for them Drasmian had anticipated the explosion and wrapped everyone in enough shields and charms they were saved, otherwise even with their extensive power, they would have probably taken some damage. Not much, but enough that they'd feel it.

"Well, that was close," Xander spoke sarcastically, and it was then he realized. He realized he couldn't sense Eris in the commlinks anymore. "Wait....nooo...where's Eris?" He asked as he frantically turned back and forth, trying to locate her. Everyone looked around, but no one saw her, after a few more moments they caught sight of Tesla flying towards them from where the planet used to be. She was tattered and torn, slowly regaining her fox form as her body mended itself by growing these yellow, four-petal, flowers across her and having them release a spore that allowed her to rapidly regrow new vines to rebuild herself.

When she was closer Destiny caught sight of a glittering object hanging from her mouth. She dashed over and grabbed it, a tear forming in her eye as she turned to the others and held it out. A piece of Eris' broken sword.

Kesmian suddenly appeared followed by Diamoxa. "These weapons are embedded into your body and become a part of you." Kesmian started as he gave Destiny a soulful and sympathetic look.

"They can only be broken if your body is broken." Diamoxa finished so Kesmian didn't have to. Xander, Serena, and Damien had tears start to build in their eyes that they were trying to hold back. Destiny just looked broken as her tears just fell from her face, unable to even muster up words.

"Don't worry. We will avenge her death." Serena spoke with a voice that tried to crack. She put her hand on Destiny's shoulder in a sign of understanding. Their friend was dead, but she knew what they signed up for, and she knew they didn't have time grieve. Regardless of how much they all wanted to grieve right now.

She nodded at them then turned to pat Tesla on the head in a comforting manner, who nuzzled her nose against the woman's arm in response. "We need to get back to Jupiter." Destiny ordered. "We need to get the orb back to Esmerelda." The moment she said the woman's name, a beautiful rainbow warp beam wrapped around them and transported them back to the transference chamber on Jupiter.

The light dissipated around them and as soon as it did, Serena and Xander caught sight of a woman with short, pink hair. Liz. They dashed across the room and engulfed her in a tight hug, Serena squeezing them both tighter than she expected.

"Ok, geez, I was kidnapped not murdered." Liz huffed as she tried to pry them off, but they refused to let her go. Damien stepped forward as she managed to get herself free, he looked her up and down an raised his eyebrow. Her clothes had been torn and she had a few scrapes and scratches, but overall she didn't seem too hurt.

"Well, you've looked worse." He mocked as he winked at her.

"Missed you too, ass-face." She rolled her eyes at him when she looked past him and caught sight of Destiny. A smile spread across her face as she walked over and started to look around, but she furled her eyebrows like she couldn't find who she was looking for. "Where's Eris?" She asked with curiosity.

Destiny's face dropped and that's when Tesla stepped forward to present the piece of the broken blade to her before stepping back. Liz held the object in her hand and just stared at it, no, she stared through it at the floor. Memories flooded her head and her energy began to swell around her chaotically. She took a few deep breaths and slowly calmed herself, regaining control as she put the object in her pocket. "I may not have known her long..." Liz started, but had to pause to keep from breaking down into tears. She took a deep breath and calmed herself, "But I feel like I knew her a lifetime and my heart breaks to know I'll never see her again." She finished as a single tear fell down her cheek.

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