Mind, Body, and Soul. Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Is everyone ready?" Kesmian asked as he stood at the bottom of the staircase, in front of the main entrance. Eris and Destiny stood beside him while Serena, Xander, Drasmian, and Damien all descended the spiral stairs together. "Are we just missing the other three?" He peaked over everyone's heads.

"We're here," Fria responded as she, Tricinity, and Hyrico all rounded the corner where the guest rooms were. They bowed to everyone as they entered the foyer. "Where's Diamoxa?" She asked as she looked around, but couldn't see the purple-haired individual.

"Boo." He suddenly appeared behind Hyrico causing him to let out a tiny squeak. Diamoxa threw his head back and laughed, receiving a hateful look from the frightened boy.

"You're an ass." He turned his nose up at him as he turned and walked towards the door. Kesmian smiled at them before he held open the door leading everyone outside.

"Remember, this mission is simply to send a message to them. Let them know they have chosen the wrong side to be on in this war." Kesmian nodded at them as he started floating into the air. Fria and Tricinity gave each other quick glances before turning their gaze to Kesmian.

"But why?" Fria was the first to speak, questioning their superior. "Why do we need to waste time sending them a message?" She crossed her arms showing no sign of cowardice as she eyed the floating man.

"Because if they continue down this path their whole planet could end up being destroyed in the aftermath, to keep them as safe as possible we need to scare them into submission basically." He eyed her back as he descended down making himself eye level with the woman who matched him in height.

"Esmerelda specifically said 'use whatever force necessary' and that has always been her subtle way of saying full force. So why does she want us to destroy this planet? Are they hiding something?" Tricinity now countered as she stepped forward next to her friend. "We will follow orders, but we will not follow them blindly." She eyed him down as well.

"Your concern is validated and your questions are well placed, but this isn't an order we can question." He looked down at the ground for a moment before returning his gaze. "I don't know much more than you, but what I do know is this order came from her Majesty herself. She told Esmerelda that they have something on that planet that can eradicate star systems. Whatever it is, has the Queen herself worried." His gaze became stern like a mentor.

"What is it?" Serena asked as she, too, stepped forward.

"We don't know and if Queen Jupiter knew, she wouldn't tell Esmerelda," Diamoxa answered this time. "We don't have time to play twenty questions. We have more important things to focus on." His eyes narrowed at them, silently letting them know they needed to just fall in line and do what they are told. Serena, Fria, and Tricinity all looked at each other, realizing they had something in common after all, they aren't just dumb foot soldiers who do what they are told without question.

"Fine, let's just get this over with so we can go after my sister." She threw her hair out of her face and took off into the sky with Xander and Damien right behind her. Eris and Destiny looked at each other, then at the Masters, then at their new teammates.

"Well let's go." Destiny smiled at them as she activated her armor and took off after her friends with Eris at her side. The others all stared at each other for a moment.

"Maybe we can get along after all." Fria smirked at Tricinity, both understanding what that statement meant as the rest of them all took off after the group.

In just a few minutes they were all flying past the small red planet of Mars and towards Jupiter. They were quickly breaking through the atmosphere and headed straight for the Capitol. Esmerelda was waiting for them at the entrance just as she had before, her glittering gold and green robes reflecting the sunlight beautifully. Everyone landed beside her and they all headed inside the castle.

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