Mind, Body, and Soul. Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Serena, Liz, Destiny, and Eris, had finally caught up to Xander and Damien as they were just a couple minutes from their destination.

"Hey, Xander, put the food away in the kitchen," Serena ordered as she flew up next to him.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Well, Kesmian did say you have remote telekinesis, and your powers are developing, so I figured you could put it away from here." She shrugged.

"Ugh, well let's see." He closed his eyes and put his hands together to fall into a minor astral state. His body projected into their kitchen and suddenly he was able to see inside their dining room, where all the plates and food were. He waved his hand and it all started to float around in the air and put itself away. Including the leftovers being put in containers and the dishes loaded themselves in the dishwasher.

"Well did it work?" Serena questioned as she nudged her brother causing him to snap back to his physical body.

"Surprisingly yes." He smiled at her.

"But, is it really that surprising at this point?" She smirked at him.

"Nope." He laughed and dashed forward picking up his speed. Thankfully he had a barrier around him to keep from messing up his long beautiful jet black wig that he had attached to the ponytail piece that was attached to his actual hair.

They were soon overhead Times Square, everyone was moving in such a hustle and bustle even without Xander's abilities, they probably wouldn't be noticed. They quickly landed down in an alley and began walking down the street together like a mob with Xander taking the lead. Occasionally someone would honk at him or yell something out of their window as they passed by, but for the most part, they ignored it. That was until they were passing this outdoor bar where a group of large, burly men appeared to be very drunk and very pissed at one another as they were screaming profanities not even a foot from each other's faces. The crew tried to pass by without being noticed, but just as they walked by one of them shoved another backward, hard. He slammed into Xander knocking him over and dumping his bright blue purse across the ground.

"I'm so fuckin sorry." The man slurred his words as he got up to check on the person he fell against only to see Xander. "I take that back, I ain't sorry for knockin some faggot over." He spat at them as he walked back over to the rest of the men and continued yelling.

They were definitely on the rugged side of life, probably always doing intense manual labor for jobs. Most of them had severely stained clothes on and most of their uncovered skin seemed to be covered in dirt and grime of one sort or another.

Liz was about to lose her cool, she started to walk up, but Serena pulled her back and started walking herself. She approached the table with a kind smile, but it wasn't until she tapped her coffin shaped acrylic nails on the table that made Liz realize how upset she was.

That was her signature tapping, the same one their grandmother used to strike fear into them during their childhood. When you heard that repetitive tap of those four fingers, you straightened your back, stopped talking, and you gave her your undivided attention. Both she and Xander did just that in immediate response like it was second nature to them. The others raised their eyebrow in confusion but continued to focus on what was currently happening. 

"Excuse me." She caught their attention as they all forgot their yelling and just stared at the beautiful woman who was acknowledging them

"How can we help a pretty woman like yourself?" The biggest of the men leaned across the table. He most likely worked on the oil rigs somewhere, or at least in some factory, indicated by his black-stained coveralls he was wearing. Serena leaned back a bit, held her nose as she dug in her pocket and pulled out a pack of gum.

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