Mind, Body, and Soul. Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


                "Xander, hurry the fuck up before we are late!" A woman's voice yelled from downstairs. "I will not let you ruin my perfect attendance record cause you wanna look 'good' for a bunch of college boys." Turning away from the stairwell she walked up to the kitchen table and picked up her expensive-looking, dark green handbag.

"I can promise nothing will make you look good."  The woman finished. She was tall, built with a lot of muscle, not beefy, but it was most certainly there. Somewhat slim waist, almost an hourglass frame without looking unnatural. She had long, beautiful, curly, jet-black hair that sat right at the waistline of her jeans. She had a dark olive tone to her skin with well-groomed, arched eyebrows. Simple makeup placed on her face made your eyes wander to the strong and sharp eyeliner she had on that started black but ended in a bold purple. Her emerald green eyes, though, almost made you forget everything else with their crystal-like glisten when the sun struck them just right.

               Walking towards the door she was taken by surprise as a man jumped down the stairwell and landed in front of her. He had decently long curly hair that he had up in a bun, wearing a black t-shirt with a leather jacket and blue jeans, complete with a pair of dark green combat boots. Without thinking, she let go of her bag, dropped to the floor, and swept her foot around only to have the man avoid her assault.

"Hey hey hey! Serenity, it's me!" The man let out. Serenity quickly turned and saw his face. He had tan skin, darker than his sisters, with strong cheekbones and dark filled-in eyebrows. He wore a dark blue eyeshadow around his icy blue eyes that made them almost complete how beautiful he was.

She slapped him upside his head, grabbed her bag, turned, and walked away. "God you're an idiot, Xander." She muttered as she turned and followed her brother.

               "You're the one who feels the need to be early on their first day of graduate classes." He sputtered back. "Besides, Marine Biology? Why do you want to have a Master's degree in fish?"

               "Rather than philosophy and social sciences?" She mocked.

               "Still better than fish."

               "It's not just about fi..." but she was cut off.

               "I outta fuck you AND your brother up for even trying some stupid shit like that!" The pair looked at each other after they both heard the voice of their younger sister coming from outside. They casually walked to the front door and opened it, revealing a slim-figured girl that had lighter skin than both her siblings, yelling at two people near the street. She had short pink hair that was shaved on the sides and wore a pair of floral bell-bottomed pants with a shirt that had short leather sleeves with chains down the sides holding the front and back halves together.

               "You can try bitch, but you won't like the outcome!" The taller of the two boys yelled back. "I will snap you like a fuckin twig." He started walking towards the short girl followed by his friend. Xander quickly walked right up behind his pink-haired sister only to have her turn and kick him straight in the chest knocking him back against the porch of their house.

               "Well, I coulda told you that was gonna happen." Serenity said as she walked up beside her brother sticking out her hand to help him up. "I feel a bit sorry for them honestly." Turning her attention to the two large men closing in on their baby sister.

               "Yeah me too, she's a handful even for us," Xander added in, back on his feet.

               Chuckling lightly, she turned and looked at her younger brother, "You weren't there when she beat up half a biker bar because the bitch of an owner threw a drink at her." Serenity shared thinking back to the memory.

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