Cards On The Table

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MILEY P.O.V.: I dried my hands after washing them. The food was ready and there was only something missing. Demi.

Noah: do you think she'll come today? (I smiled with a nod)

Miley: I'm sure she will, I believe in her

Noah: you did too when she didn't come (I shook my head)

Miley: Noah, I'm sure she will come. She actually texted me some minutes ago that she was coming, so don't worry

Noah: okay, I said nothing then (I nodded and I gave her a salad)

Miley: take it outside

Noah: alright (the doorbell rang and I smiled at Noah)

Miley: told you so (I ran to the door and opened to see Demi standing on the other side of the door) hey

Demi: hey, I actually came this time (we laughed)

Miley: come in, everyone's waiting for you

Demi: sorry for not coming sooner. I was finishing some album's signing

Miley: I'll go with you to wash our hands (I told her with a wink and we walked to the bathroom)

We were already in the bathroom when I grabbed her by her waist and pecked her lips with a big smile.

Miley: you look so beautiful today, babe

Demi: aw, thanks do you (she said and pecked my lips again before washing her hands) I'm ready to eat

Miley: let's go then (we walked outside together and my family smiled at her when they saw her)

Billy: Demi! What a surprise

Demi: oh, yes a beautiful surprise I hope (we all laughed)

Brandi: of course, we all love you so

Demi: and I love all of you too

Trace: even me? (Demi laughed out loud making my heart warm)

Demi: even you, come on...the past is passed

Trace: sure (he assured her with a smile)

We sat together in the table and the lunch started. It was all fun, everyone was catching up and it was cool to have some quality time with my family and my girl.

Tish: Demi, can you handle me the salad?

Demi: sure (I saw them interacting and my heart lowkey melted)

Noah: you won't believe this but...I'm talking with a boy. He's not famous and 25 years old. I hope y'all approve him because he's a sweetheart. Not like any other guy I've dated

Brandi: I will approve him then, that means he's not a jerk (we laughed and Demi cleared her throat)

Demi: you don't worry about the jerks. I've dated all kinds of jerks in my whole life, you'll get over it (I nodded)

Miley: yea. I know that first hand too

Noah: thanks God you both got over them (we nodded)

Tish: what about you Demi? Are you dating someone at the moment?

Brandi: mom! (Demi chuckled nervously)

Demi: it's okay, don't worry...well umm, yep...I'm dating someone

Tish: what's their name? (My rolled my eyes with a chuckle and felt Demi's hand on my thigh softly resting)

That meant she was ready, so I acted.

Miley: it's her name

Brandi: really? (Demi nodded)

Miley: and she's called Miley (everyone stared at us in silence and I rolled my eyes again) y'all get it? Demi is dating a girl called Miley, my name's Miley...I'm the Miley she's dating

Billy: Miley, honey, we got it. We were just processing it (we laughed) I'm happy for you. Maybe this could be a very good thing for the both of you

Tish: yes, and we love you Demi

Trace: I can't believe you changed me for my sister (he told Demi and we all laughed)

Miley: hey, I have a right to be her choice

Demi: do you really? (She asked me and I smiled before pecking her lips shortly)

Miley: yep

Noah: awww, you are so cute. I love this

Demi: well, we love it too

Tish: long have you been dating?

Miley: just a day (Demi laughed out loud and we shook our heads chuckling)

Demi: she's joking. We dated some weeks a month ago. We then took some time to change some things inside of us and...we've been dating again for two weeks. Haven't we? (I smiled at her and my dad smiled at me)

Billy: that's amazing. We wish you the best

Diley: thank you

It's Always Been You ~ Diley Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt