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MILEY P.O.V.: Demi and I sat on her couch and she put some tv show to watch as we ate.

Demi: I think I missed doing this with you, just chilling and eating some sort of fast food at late night

Miley: you can bet that me too (she smiled)

Demi: are you busy tomorrow?

Miley: I don't know, why?

Demi: you could stay the night with me here, I have a really big bed so (she said shrugging and I remembered I told one of my friends that I would meet with him in the morning)

Miley: sure, I'll stay

Demi: really? That's cool

Miley: yep, just give me a minute to make a quick call, kay?

Demi: go ahead (I smiled and walked to the bathroom to make a call. My friend didn't answer so I left a message)

Miley: hey, it's Miley as you know. Something just came up and I won't be able to meet tomorrow...uh, I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you ya, bye (I hang up and when I got back to the living room, Demi was putting our desserts out of the freezer)

Demi: hey, time for some ice cream (she looked at the names written on the cups and handed me mine) yours miss veggie

Miley: thanks (we sat down on the couch again and watched Jimmy Fallon's show until it finished)

Demi: I love Jimmy

Miley: I know, me too, he's the best

Demi: and-

Diley: Ellen! (We laughed)

Demi: so umm, let me clean this real quick and we can go sleep (I stood up with her and we cleaned the living room quickly before heading to the bedroom)

I was surprised to see such a big bed. And her room was all white that made me smile.

Miley: it looks very pure and clean

Demi: thanks, it wasn't really my decision at first. I had to do it for therapy but umm, I think I really like it now this way...even tho I may wanna redecorate soon (I nodded as I sat on the bed) I'll give you some clothes to sleep on

Miley: okay, just throw me a t-shirt and pair of shorts and I'm ready to sleep

Demi: alright (she threw me s black long sleeve t-shirt and red shorts before pointing to the bathroom) I'll go change, be right back (I watched her leave the bedroom and realized she let me her ensuit bathroom to change)

After we both were back in the room, we got under the sheets and she turned the lights off smiling at me.

Miley: what?

Demi: can you cuddle me?

Miley: (I chuckled and moved closer to her) always

Demi: thanks Smiley (she rested her head on my shoulder and I wrapped both my arms around her caressing her arm slowly) goodnight

Miley: goodnight Demi (I said and kissed her head making her smile slightly)

It's Always Been You ~ Diley Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt