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MILEY P.O.V.: I wasn't expecting Demi to confess our relationship to her family like that, but it made me happy to know she was serious about me. I smiled watching our hands and felt how she slightly tensed up after saying those words to her parents.

Eddie: really? (He asked and smiled after Demi nodded) that's nice, congrats

Demi: thanks dad (I blushed a little and saw Dianna smiling big)

Dianna: that's awesome, as long as you're happy, we're always gonna be supporting you baby girl

Demi: thank you mom, I really am happy

Miley: and I'm too (I said smiling at her and she kissed my hand)

I thought her family would feel weird around us acting in a low-romantic way, but I saw in their eyes that they weren't that kind of people.

Eddie: we just wanna ask you both to give us some time to get used to this new way of love but we accept it and support it as well

Dianna: yes, we just gotta make up our minds around you being together as a couple and not as friends (we laughed and I nodded)

Miley: I think that's totally understandable and I love how supportive you're with Demi

Demi: they're the best parents ever, I swear (I smiled watching her happy and nodded)

We had fun the rest of the night and even watched a movie before Eddie started to yawn frequently.

Demi: mom, I'll stay here tonight

Dianna: okay, Miley will you stay too? (I raised my eyebrows at Demi)

Miley: you want me to?

Demi: yes, of course. I think it's not a nice time to be alone around the city and I love having you around, so yes please stay (I smiled and glanced at Dianna again)

Miley: yes, I'll stay too. Thank you

Dianna: anytime, I'll find some clothes for you to sleep in...Demi, you can show Miley the room you'll share

Miley: we'll share a room? (I whispered to Demi and she giggled)

Demi: of course, we're a couple now (I bit my lip and smiled at her) come with me, I'll show you our bed

Miley: thanks

We headed to a cute room and I sat on the bed as we waited for Demi's mom to give us some clothes to sleep in.

Demi: I miss being here after living the whole quarantine with them, you know? (I chuckled)

Miley: I bet you do, but you have a pretty luxurious apartment

Demi: you, our of everyone, know it's not about luxury things, it's about love and connection

Miley: yea, of course I do (she sat beside me on the bed and kissed my lips sweetly. We got caught in the moment and I just realized it when her mom entered the room)

Dianna: oh, sorry (we glanced at her and she smiled at us) I'm sorry, I thought it was safe to come give you these (she handed the clothes to Demi and they hugged)

Demi: thanks mom, and don't worry, it was just a kiss, like when you kiss dad (Dianna nodded and smiled at me before waving)

Dianna: have a good night girls, if you need anything we'll be next door

Demi: you always are, thanks mom (she left the room and closed the door after doing it)

Miley: she probably felt uncomfortable with us kissing

Demi: she said she needs to get used to it, so? (She said with a shrug and gave me the clothes to sleep in) I'll change in the bathroom, you change here

Demi entered the room again after some minutes and I was already under the sheets waiting for her.

Demi: here we go (she whispered and rested her head on my shoulder making me smile) I want you to hold me forever

Miley: I'll do it then

It's Always Been You ~ Diley حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن