Never Forgotten

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DEMI P.O.V.: I broke down crying in the middle of the living room as I tried to make any sense at what just had happened.

Demi: what the fuck did you do? What the fuck did you do? (I repeated to myself as I ran my hands through my hair in desperation) why did you let this happen? You fucked it up, you ruined everyth- (I started sobbing uncontrollably as my tears hit the wood floor of my apartment making me feel even more miserable)

You let her go. You let it die. It's all your fault. You aren't worth happiness nor love. You're only worth pain and suffering. That's what you deserve.

I glanced at the window as the sun started to go down the hills and bit my lip as tears rolled down my cheek to my hands. I didn't even remember the last time I felt that miserable. I hated to feel that way, but I wanted to die.

You don't deserve life. Everyone would be better off without you. All you do is break people...

Demi: I'm sorry, I never wanted to hurt her (I whisper-answered to my conscience and shook my head trying to make that voice shut up)

You don't get to shut me now. You know what you have to do...just do it. No one will cry for you.

Demi: I can't do it, I won't do it (I sobbed loudly and covered my face with both my hands) this is just another heartbreak, you'll be fine. You can do this (I tried to convince myself even tho I knew I wasn't strong enough to beat another heartbreak)

MILEY P.O.V.: as I closed the door of my house I slid to the floor, resting my back on the door. I tried to breathe while I thought about everything that happened, still with mascara all over my face...but I broke down crying again. I couldn't help it, the pain I was feeling was the strongest emotional pain I've ever felt.

Miley: why did you do this to us? I wanted you to be my forever (I said between sobs and wrapped my arms around my knees trying to not feel so lonely) I loved you...I still do

I closed my eyes with force, feeling my heart physically hurting. My sobs was the only sound in the house and that was the reason why the memories got so fast to my mind.

Flashback - August 2010

I entered the studio with a smile on my face as I started to see some well-known faces. I always had a good time while meeting with friends...but that happiness wasn't comparable with the one I felt everytime I got to see my best friend, Demi.

As I walked through the halls of our dressing rooms, I stopped some seconds watching Demi's door. She was supposedly in her bus, ready to start touring.

Demi: you didn't really think I would leave without saying goodbye, right? (I turned around with a big smile on my face and she raised her eyebrows at me with a smirk on her lips)

Miley: I thought you were gone already

Demi: I can't leave without a hug from my best friend (she said and I checked there was no one around us before running to her)

Acting impulsively, as always, I crashed my lips on hers as I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist. She welcomed my tongue and laced her arms behind my neck pulling me even closer to her. After some seconds of making out in the middle of a public place where anyone could hop in at any second, we pulled apart with big smiles on our faces.

Demi: I was kind of waiting a hug but...yea, I liked it anyways (I laughed and nuzzled her nose before hugging her tightly)

Miley: you really have no idea of how much I'm gonna miss you

Demi: (she sighed still in the hug) me too. It's gonna be a hard time without you around me 24/7

Miley: I'll try to visit you, I promise

Demi: thanks, I'd understand if you can't have shooting to do and...stuff (I nodded and caressed her cheek)

Miley: you won't get yourself another friend like me while touring, will you?

Demi: no one can replace you...I swear to god (I smiled and she pecked my lips) I better go now, it's getting late

Miley: kay. Have a good time

Demi: you too, don't forget to think about me (I bit my lip and shook my head)

Miley: I would never

Demi: (she giggled and smiled at me before waving slowly) bye

Miley: bye

End of Flashback

I remembered that was the very first time we lost it all. It was supposed to be some months without each other. But somehow, I got back with my ex, she met a latin man and went to rehab as I became the chaotic Miley Cyrus everyone hated.

But now's different. This is time there's no turning back. Everything we had, died. Just like my heart.

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