I'm Sorry

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DEMI P.O.V.: on Saturday morning, I woke up early to get ready for Miley's lunch at her house with her family. I was really nervous to go but I was pushing myself to do it.

She needs you there. You can do it for her...for her.

As I walked through the house getting myself ready, my phone went off and I grabbed it to see a text from Miley.

Miley~ good morning babe! I'm so excited for today...I can't even put it in words. I love you and I hope to see you soon ❤

I smiled feeling happy to have someone loving me that way but didn't reply to her text as I checked the time on my phone. I had only 30 minutes left and I was still trying to do my hair and makeup. I sighed loudly when I did my hair in a short ponytail and tried to feel comfortable with the way I looked.

The time kept passing and I finally were ready, 3 minutes passed the real time I should've been ready. I started panicking as I rushed to grab my purse and put all my stuff in it. I walked to the door with a smile and trying to push myself to do this.

It's not that bad.

I was already leaving the house when my mind changed. I wasn't ready for it. I wasn't comfortable with the idea of going public with Miley, to someone that wasn't strictly my family.

Demi, don't be shitty. You know her family since you were a kid. It's practically the same.

I checked the time and realized it was getting more and more late as I tried to push myself to go there and hold Miley's hand proudly. I wasn't really a cry baby when it came to doing something publicly but...that was different. It was my personal life. My personal emotions.

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as I rested my body on the door frame and searched for Miley's text that I didn't answered.

I started sobbing, feeling the worst human ever as I moved my fingers writing a text.

Demi~ I'm so sorry...I can't do this. I'm sorry.

I hit "send" and slammed the door groaning out loud in anger. I was angry with myself. I hated not being capable of doing something for someone that really loved me.

I started crying on the floor, by the door and rested my head on the wall. I remember feeling like dying. I think that's probably what would be the best for Miley.

Oh don't worry Demi. After what you've done. She won't fucking talk to you ever again. But that's what you wanted...right?

Demi: I just want her to be happy with someone who can loves her shamelessly and publicly. I'm not good enough for her...she'll be better off without me. I'm sorry (I whispered as I sobbed in my hands)

I'm tired of letting people down. I'm never good enough.

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