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DEMI P.O.V.: I smiled watching the stars with Miley and she gave me a chocolate bar.

Demi: I can't eat this again, I'll need like 3 hours of gym after this (she glanced at me)

Miley: what? You're crazy Demi, you'll be fine, you'll still look fire after eating that chocolate bar (I bit my lip and grabbed it)

Demi: okay, just because you're giving it to me (she nodded smiling)

We ate it watching the water and then went back to the position we were before. Side by side, laying together.

Miley: I hope I made a difference in your month at least, I would love you to remember this weekend as something nice...will you?

Demi: of course I will, this has been a pretty relaxing, lovely and perfect weekend Miles, and without you, it would've sucked (she giggled) I meant it

Miley: I'm glad then, I wanna make you the happiest I can (I chowed down on my lip as she said that and cleared my throat)

Demi: Miley

Miley: what?

Demi: I know we've been distanced before but I really don't want that to ever happen again. It feels like, in this past two weeks we've became the closest we've ever been and it terrifies me to think that we could lose that again

Miley: well, just so you calm (she glanced at me) I won't go anywhere Demi, I promise. I'll stay around, forever (I smiled slightly and stranded a lock of hair out of her cheek making her smile sweetly at me)

Her blue eyes were dark blue in the night but they still had that slight characteristic shade of magical blue that I used to love when I was younger. She has those typical movie eyes that everyone falls for, and the real reason why I loved those eyes was because I could see her true very soul whenever I looked at her the way I was doing now.

Demi: I love your eyes, I don't think I've ever seen such beautiful eyes ever before in my life. You're the only one really slaying those cold blue eyes (she chuckled making my stomach twirl cause we were still staring into each others eyes and bit her lip)

Miley: well, you make chocolate eyes something beautifully extraordinary. I swear to God...they're so...bright and cute (I smiled and she caressed my cheek with the back of her hand)

Demi: I don't wanna go home (I said moving closer to her still face to face and she glanced down at my lips)

Miley: well, we have to

Demi: I know (she turned to her side like I did before and put one of her hands on under my jaw caressing it softly)

Miley: still, we can take a piece of this magical place to L.A.

Demi: I guess so (I whispered glancing down at her lips too)

Miley: shall we? (She whispered staring deeply into my eyes and I felt my whole body shivering to her touch)

The moment she closed the small gap between us brushing our lips together, I felt like I was 17 again. Everything seemed to stop around us, like we were the only living people under the most magical moon and our souls were connected on a different level than anyone else's souls. Like it was meant to be.

It's Always Been You ~ Diley Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant