Facing Troubles

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DEMI P.O.V.: I spent a whole week at home just trying to get through the heart break I was feeling. I even thought of going to Miley's and try to talk with her. But one day, as I talked to my mom, she told me something that was real.

Dianna: look baby, you can't love someone with that level of concern and fear always in your back

Demi: but I'm not afraid of loving her (she sighed through the line)

Dianna: but you're afraid to show that to some people

Demi: I just wanna get her back, I promise I do...I need her back in my life for good

Dianna: okay. I get it baby, but I think you should talk to your therapist about this. Tell her everything that happened, all of your fears, everything. I'm sure she'll help you get through this. And once you're fully ready for a relationship with Miley, you can go back to her and explain everything

Demi: what if it's too late?

Dianna: you know what? When you were a teen, you had a necklace that said "true love waits" and I know it didn't mean what I'm gonna tell you but it fits anyways. If it's true love, life will make you find your way back to each other. Trust me Demi, that's how true love works

Demi: I just don't want time to pass and her to forget about me

Dianna: Demi, come on...Miley could never forget about you

Demi: yes, you're right I just...

Dianna: give it a try, if it doesn't work, at least you'll know you tried as hard as you could

Demi: I'll think about it

Dianna: that's my baby (I smiled and nodded)

Demi: I gotta go mom, but thank you. I love you

Dianna: I love you more baby, bye

Demi: bye

It didn't take me more than two days from that day, to be on my way to the therapy session. Of course I was nervous but I decided I needed to work to get through this situation and maybe, that way I could give Miley the love I wanted to give her.

Therapist: so Demi, it's been a while since you haven't been here. Is there any special reason why you're here today? Or is this just to check if everything's okay

Demi: no, this is...I had some troubles with a...someone that I started to date and I don't know what's going on inside of me but I wanna fix it

Therapist: take a sit (I sat in front of her and she sent me a smile as she grabbed her pen to start writing things on her notebook) do I get to know the name of the boy you're here to talk about? (I chowed down on my lip and shrugged)

Demi: it's not a boy, it's a girl

Therapist: oh, okay, sorry (I half smiled and she looked at me again) her name?

Demi: I'll just tell you cause I know you always keep my secrets

Therapist: of course, I'm a professional (I smiled with a nod and breathed heavily before letting her name out of my mouth)

Demi: her name's Miley (her eyes widened a bit and I nodded) I know, yes, that Miley

Therapist: wow. Okay, I'm really curious right now...but first, I need you to remind me why you're here today?

Demi: I wanna be able to love her like she deserves. I wanna improve for her.

Little did I know that I would be starting a big rollercoaster of fears, emotions and pain. But I wanted to do it.

For her. I told myself proudly.

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