No Tears

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MILEY P.O.V.: I sighed as I leaned down on the seat to rest my back on it while my sister Noah talked about her life and her friends.

Miley: that's cool (I said to her with a smile as she finished talking)

Noah: okay, stop faking. I know you and I really do know that something's wrong with you. You look down (I nodded slightly)

Miley: I...Demi and I ended our thing (she frowned and opened her eyes widely)

Noah: what? I thought everything was going fine

Miley: it was after I talked to her about going public to our family (I said pointing to her and I)

Noah: it's because she didn't go to yours the other day?

Miley: it wasn't just that. You see, I was walking amd trying to make her walk with me, but she wasn't even trying to move

Noah: are you sure about it?

Miley: about what?

Noah: are you sure she wasn't trying to walk with you?

Miley: I did my all during the time we dated

Noah: two weeks? (She asked and I nodded)

Miley: why do you look at me like that? (I asked her and she shook her head)

Noah: I just think you gave up on her too soon

Miley: oh really? I was willing to postpone the whole "telling the family" thing but she told me she was okay with it. That's the only reason why I did everything I did (my sister shrugged and took a sip of her drink)

Noah: I don't really know all the details of your relationship with Demi can you be so sure about her not trying?

Miley: hey, you're supposed to be on my side

Noah: I'm on love's side. I really saw you happy ever since you started dating Demi and now you aren't anymore. Maybe you didn't give her a chance to show she was walking with you

Miley: she never came to the lunch (she sighed)

Noah: did you ask her why didn't she?

Miley: well I...I don't think I gave her time to speak. I was done at her attitude (she bit her lip and nodded)

Noah: I'm sorry you guys ended your thing. I was rooting for you. She's very nice

Miley: I know she is but I couldn't stay with someone who doesn't love me like I love her

Noah: okay, I get your point but somehow, you married Liam even if he played with your mind sometimes. You can't be patient with someone who's afraid to be public about you dating her but you could marry someone who played you? For real? I'm no one to judge but...come on M, that just doesn't click to me

Miley: well, but it was different (I said with tears in my eyes)

Noah: how?

Miley: it was different because first of all, Liam told me he loved me all the time and I wasn't waiting to get a chance with him for as long as I've been waiting with Demi. I was happy cause I finally got a chance for real with her and it frustrated me that she didn't love me as much as I did love her

Noah: Miley, maybe she wasn't strong enough to say it out loud but she felt it (I blinked letting some tears fall down my cheeks and opened my mouth to talk but Noah grabbed my hands across the table) I never meant to make you this upset. Some things are meant to end soon and leave pretty memories and that's all. Maybe that was the case of you and Demi. Maybe you'll find your way back to another one day

Miley: we're not teenagers No, our time isn't like before. We can't keep "searching", we must find the right one

Noah: I don't know what happened to my sister but I need her back. She'd never say something like this

Miley: I know...maybe she'll be back after she heals her heart once more (she smiled at me and I kissed her hand softly) thank you for being my sister Noah, you're an angel

Noah: I know (I rolled my eyes and we laughed before changing the subject)

I was decided to do just one thing after that conversation: move on.

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