For You

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DEMI P.O.V.: I was playing the piano before dinner, when my phone started ringing. I looked at it and grabbed it as a smile started to grow on my face.

Demi: hey beauty (I said with a smile holding the phone to my ear)

Miley: hey baby, how are you?

Demi: I'm good, playing the piano

Miley: oh, composing? (I shrugged)

Demi: kinda, I think. Just some melodies tho

Miley: that's great, I wanna hear it later

Demi: maybe you will (I said teasing her and heard a slight chuckle that made me smile big)

Miley: listen, I'm writing a whole damn album about you so you better give me, at least a melody (I laughed out loud blushing and bit my lip)

Demi: there's no fucking way you're doing such a thing for me

Miley: I am...truly (I shook my head glacing to the floor with a fool smile and she cleared her throat) there's actually a reason why I called you babe

Demi: oh, what is it?

Miley: ummm...I wanted to know if you'd like to have lunch with my family this Saturday

Demi: oh...are you leaving to Nashville again?

Miley: no, my parents are coming to visit me and my siblings. Would you like to come to mine too? (I started to panic at the thought of coming out to her family and gulped hard as I tried to find the right words to say to her) you're still there?

Demi: uh- yes...I'm still here, I was just...checking on my dogs (I lied through my teeth)

Miley: and? What you say? (I gasped and nodded closing my eyes tightly)

Demi: I'll be there

Miley: really? You'll come? (I could hear the happiness and excitement in her voice and that made me feel bad)

You need to stop thinking in yourself. You have to make her happy. Stop being selfish Demetria.

Demi: what do I have to take?

Miley: oh, nothing babe...I just need you here with me. That's all

Demi: kay good (I bit my tongue softly before clearing my throat) Miles?

Miley: yea?

Demi: do you...umm...plan on telling them we're dating?

Miley: well I- I would love to but...if you're not ready, I'll wait (I felt my eyes getting teary as I thought how amazing she was for me)

You have to do this Demi. You can fucking do it. Her happiness is worth the fear.

Demi: no, don't worry about me. If you're ready, we can do it. I think it's okay to do it...this Saturday, you say?

Miley: yep

Demi: in two days (I whispered)

Miley: what? Sorry babe, I couldn't hear you

Demi: uh, nothing, I said that...I miss you

Miley: I miss you too, but we'll meet soon. Right? (I chowed down on my lip)

Demi: sure

Miley: listen, I have to go now but I'll talk to you later

Demi: perfect, go ahead

Miley: have a nice night

Demi: you too, by- (she interrupted me)

Miley: oh and Demi- sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you but...

Demi: no, it's totally okay

Miley: I love you, I just wanted to say it once more (I closed my eyes again with force and wished I could say it back to her. But I couldn't)

Deni: thank you (I said in a whisper) thank you for loving me

Miley: it's my pleasure

Demi: umm, I guess this is goodbye?

Miley: (she giggled) yes, bye babe

Demi: bye (she hang up on me and I sighed heavily)

You need to beat the fear Demi. You need to fight to be with her. You need to open up. Don't lose her...

It's Always Been You ~ Diley Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant