All About Us

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DEMI P.O.V.: I arrived to the cinema hall and saw Miley standing there with smiling at me when we saw each other.

Miley: hey you

Demi: hey (I kissed her cheek and she gave me my ticket)

Miley: let's go

Demi: sure

We had fun watching the movie, it was a comedy and we were the ones laughing louder, catching people's attention once in a while. After it finished we walked out of the cinema and she glanced at me. It was late night already and there wasn't too many people in the mall.

Miley: did you have dinner already?

Demi: nope, did you?

Miley: nope...let's go to McDonald's? I know you like it

Demi: yea of course I do, but you're veggie, right? (She smiled and nodded)

Miley: I'll have something without meat, don't worry

Demi: okay then

Miley: you want to eat here or...

Demi: we can go to mine, my driver will pick me up

Miley: okay, I'll cancel mine then (I nodded)

We ordered our food, paid and once they gave it to us, we left the mall with bags and got into my car.

Demi: hey Max

Max: hey

Demi: this is Miley Cyrus, as you know...he's my driver and bodyguard Max

Miley: oh, hello Max, is a pleasure to meet you

Max: same to you (she smiled and the car started to move)

Miley: wait, stay just there (she said taking a picture of me)

Demi: wait, let me see if I look good (she chuckled)

Miley: you look beautiful as ever (she said showing me the photo and I smiled)

Demi: yea it's okay, I don't look too bad I guess

Miley: come are gor-geous (I chuckled)

Demi: well, thank, you're too

Miley: thanks (she said glancing briefly at me before turning her eyes to her phone)

My phone vibrated on my lap and I grabbed it seeing Miley's new post.


Liked by ddlovato, arianagrande, theellenshow and 2.343.453 more
mileycyrus quarantine is over! Now it's all about nice food and amazing company. @ddlovato 😎
ddlovato it really is!

Demi: it looks like a lot of food

Miley: I know, but it's just our dinner and dessert. And they can suck a dick if they comment bad things under my post, I will fucking block them all if they do (I smiled)

Demi: that's nice I guess

Miley: I like blocking people (we laughed)

Demi: me too, I'm a natural for it

Miley: same here, everyone thinks it's childish but I think it's for our own wellbeing sometimes

Demi: exactly (the car stopped and she looked at me)

Miley: we arrived?

Demi: we arrived (we climbed out of the car and walked to the door of the building) I live in an apartment I hope you don't mind

Miley: why would I?

Demi: I don't know (we got into the elevator and went to the penthouse)

Miley: woohoo, it's the penthouse

Demi: yep...come with me (I opened the door and we walked inside) welcome to my place

Miley: it looks super great

Demi: yea (I closed the door and we heard a very recognizable noise as she kneeled beside me)

Miley: oh my god

Demi: (I giggled) these are Batman and Ella

Miley: Demi, they're so cute (she said playing with them and I smiled at the image I was getting)

It's Always Been You ~ Diley Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ