Chapter 56: Rock in Rio, Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

"Nah, you guys go ahead, I might have an early night." He said with a small smile.


We had a few more days to spend in Rio, Guns would have another show in two days, then we would be going back home, and in May Izzy would be starting the new world tour. Izzy ended up having a great time on our Rio trip, he was able to participate in all of his active interests; surfing, skating, songwriting, and chilling with the band, and for a good chunk of the trip I was just watching Izzy having a blast. I didn't want to seem ungrateful or uninterested in my husband's hobbies, but I started to get bored and restless on our trip. The muggy weather started to get to me, my pale skin was too sensitive for the intense sunlight and I was getting so tired of having security guards around us every time we set one foot out of the hotel. Also, to make matters worse, on the night before Guns' second show, I got a bad case of food poisoning.

"My fucking stomach!" I sobbed into the toilet as Izzy held my hair up.

Izzy really didn't know how to handle me being sick, it was like he was too awkward to come up with comforting sentences.

"Izzy, I want to go home-" I tried to finish my sentence, but another aggressive heave interrupted me.

"I don't know what I can do? I can try to get to a chemist and get some stomach or gastro relief thingo?" Izzy said, slightly alarmed and also grossed out by the big chunks that were flying into the toilet bowl.

"I'll call Kevin or whatever his name is and he'll do a trip for us."

I felt some pain leave my belly so I flushed the toilet and rested my back against the tiled wall. I opened my watery eyes to find Izzy staring at me intensely.

"Do you feel better?"

I shrugged. Izzy broke off some paper for me to wipe my mouth and I sighed. I felt exhausted.

"I want to go home, Izzy. I'm bored here."

He looked pretty surprised after I said that.


"I can't deal with this humidity, I feel restless, I'm too white for the sun out here. I just want to be back home." I replied meekly, my voice felt wrecked after my heaving.

The last thing I remember that night was Izzy looking disappointed. I soon found myself in bed and was completely knocked out. It felt like I wasn't able to get much sleep, as the morning light was had started to shine into the room, waking me up. I stretched my arm out across the bed hoping to feel my man next to me, but Izzy wasn't anywhere near me. My eyes felt tired and they tried to adjust to the bright light.

"Izzy?" I croaked.

Suddenly, the same wave of queasiness hit me like a tidal wave and I ran as fast as I could to the toilet. Surely I've thrown out all the bad food in my stomach by now, why am I still sick? After a few more heaves, my stomach settled and I rushed to find my toothbrush to get the gross taste out of my mouth. I shuffled around the room as I scrubbed my teeth and tongue until I found a note next to my bedside table.

Thought I'd let you rest, gone out for a morning surf. Kevin got you some drugs and an early return flight back home for tonight. See you soon, I love you, Iz x

The jangling of keys broke me out of my thoughts, and Izzy walked in. He stared at me with his wet, tousled hair in his eyes.

"You feeling okay?"

I don't know what came over me, but I just burst into tears. Izzy looked alarmed but he immediately rushed over to me and wrapped me in his arms.

"Hey, hey. I'm here, Mel." He comforted, and his cool, sea-salty skin felt nice against me.

"I spewed again." I sobbed and Izzy held me tighter.

"Hey, it's okay. You might have gastro or something. It should pass soon, babe."

"You got me a ticket home." I sobbed into his chest.

"You don't have to use it, I just thought you might really be homesick."

"I'm sorry for not having fun with you here. I'm a spoiled brat."

"Hey!" Izzy said more seriously and broke our embrace to stare into my eyes. "Stop it, you're sick, you're probably jetlagged and fatigued as fuck. Don't be hard on yourself."

I cried harder.

"Why are you so good to me, I love you so much!" I cried uncontrollably, completely overwhelmed with emotions and love for my sexy man.

Izzy soon found my emotions slightly amusing as a small smile broke across his face.

"I love you too!" He smiled.

"I feel like a mess," I smiled as the tears finally took a chill pill and I could finally see clearly.

"It's okay! So many emotions, Mel," he smiled, "you're not pregnant or something are you?"

"No-" I was sure at first, I had my period roughly two weeks ago, but it was a lot lighter than it usually was. "I don't think so..."

"I'm just kidding, Mel." Izzy gave me a tight hug before he walked into the shower.

My brain was suddenly flying a million miles an hour. Could I be pregnant? Surely not. Maybe? Fuck. No, I'm just an emotional wreck from jetlag and food poisoning... My brain ran through multiple scenarios, which in reality, probably took a few seconds, but right on the spot I decided to go home that night. I started to pack my bags as Izzy showered. I yelled over the sound of the rushing water asking if I could go home, to which Izzy was indeed sad about but he was very understanding; he didn't want me to stay if I wasn't enjoying myself. I tried to stay calm as we talked during his shower, I didn't want him to freak out with this possible pregnancy chance, he would be going on stage in 10 hours to perform to another massive crowd.

The next few hours I endured were definitely interesting. The long-arse flight was painful, not to mention the number of trips I had to make to the toilet to have a casual heave. I was wrecked when we landed at LAX, but seeing Deb waiting at the gate for me made me feel instantly better. I had called her before I left Rio, explaining everything to her. She was freaked but in the most positive way. She had already bought about 10 different brands of pregnancy tests for me, and once we made it to my house I was shocked at the bag full of them.

"Jeez, how much do you expect me to wee?"

"Enough to fill a bowl so we can stick all these tests into. Now drink and get weeing!"

It was great, during my water-consuming minutes; my vomiting had seemed to calm down by a lot. I squatted over a mixing bowl and let my bladder release, and of course, Deb found this sight very amusing. We unwrapped all the tests and dipped them into my pee, and set our watches to the correct waiting times. I sat dumbfounded as all the tests came up with pluses and double lines. 

Every test came back positive.

This was happening, I was pregnant, and Izzy was 18 hours away in a different country.

Hey guys, I'm not going to make any comment about this chapter... ;)
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