Chapter 1

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The time is 13.22 GMT and the sun does not look bright today. It just entered autumn but why is it so cold. Some people were walking in a hurry while closing their jackets and coats and scarves around their necks. The leaves of the Larch tree now begin to turn slightly on the side of the road along with the oak trees which still display the green leaves slightly at the top, which adorn the city park in the middle of this narrow city of London. I flung myself on the sofa of the Luxious café, with a glass of my favorite moccacino. I looked at the Laptop in front of me with Word posted there.



I grabbed my drink and took a slow sip. I feel the stress lately because of my unfinished writing and my editor who started blabbering off the phone three months ago. Being absorbed in calming my mind with the sweet bitter sensation of a coffee, a ringing sound from my phone. I sighed and tried to build my mind and my soul when I saw the name on the screen. I have been trying to avoid his calling for ten days, but this time I felt I had to answer.

Running away from a problem won't solve it, right?

"Hello, Mister-"

"Ms. Alice Choi! Why so hard to call you? Where have you been all this time?!" the man shouted from across. Sounds frustrating I guess.

"I'm sorry, Mister, I--"

"Without news for ten days and taking a day off from work for a month, huh?! You know my boss always asks about you and your script that you haven't been able to write? You almost drive me crazy!" he exclaimed again.

I pressed my temples, "I'm sorry. Can I speak to give my reason? You always interrupt me"

There was a sigh of breath from there, "Okay, I'm listening."

I leaned back again, "You know, Mr. Kelly, I'm out of my ideas in writing and I think I have to take a vacation while in London. I hope I can find an idea here. Canada looks boring to me now."

"But why does it have to be a month, Alice?!" he still asked with emotion, "How do I explain to Mrs. Lincoln? You know that woman is very fierce!"

I smiled sadly thinking of the man who was calling me.

"I'm sorry again. I'll try to talk to Mrs. Lincoln. You don't need to worry. After a month, I'll return to Canada."

Mr. Kelly sighed again.

"All right. It's up to you as long as you're right back after a month of leave. Where do you live now? Did you inform your parents in Korea?"

"I'm well. I rented an empty house in elite housing. Landlord there is willing to accept tenants for a month at a pretty cheap price. I already told them a few days ago," I replied smiling. The man did look angry, but he actually cared. Luckily I have an editor like him.

"Send me your address so I can go there," he said.

"Wow, what do you want to come here, Mr. Kelly?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows even though I knew he didn't see them.

"Just make sure you won't run away from there," he answered.

I shook my head with a smile, "It's up to you. I'll hang up. I'll send my address later."

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