Liam and Niall-Car Accident

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Morgan's POV

I was sitting outside of my school waiting for my big brother Liam to pick me up. I've live with him ever since school started. My parents think he can help me with school, and keep me out of trouble. I'm the type that loves playing class clown. Liam on the other hand, hates it. He wants me to behave, and get good grades. That's not exactly what happens though..

He should've been here thirty minutes ago. It's dark now, and getting cold out. I've called him at least five times, but he won't pick up. Finally, my brother's black Range Rover pulls up. "What took you so long?" I asked as I got in. "Morgan, I'm sorry. Work was crazy, and they wouldn't let me leave. Are you okay?" He asked. "Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I smiled at him as we drove away.

"Today was such a long day." I said, rubbing my eyes. "What happened, kiddo?" He asked me. "I had a huge Geography test that I didn't study for. Most likely failed. And-" I began, but before I could say anything, Liam cut me off. "You what?!" He yelled. I flinched at his loud voice. "Morgan! Why didn't you study?!" He yelled. "I don't know.." I said putting my head down. "When we get home, go to your room! I don't want to see you until dinner!" He yelled, gripping the steering wheel tighter. "O-okay.." I said not wanting to make him even more mad.

We reached a stop light, and Liam slowly pushed on the brake. But the car didn't stop. Liam let out a gasp and jumped over me. Shielding me. Liam mouthed "I love you" I saw bright headlights coming straight for us before I blacked out.

I slowly opened my eyes to see that Liam was no longer on me. I saw ambulances and fire trucks all around us. I tried to get up, but let out a scream when a shooting pain went through my stomach.

"Easy there. Stay still for me." A paramedic told me. He yelled to another paramedic that quickly approached us. "Alright, we're going to get you out of here. I need you to relax for me, okay?" The paramedic asked me. I nodded, but yelped at the pain that went through my neck. "No. Don't move." The paramedic told me and put his hand on mine. The other paramedic handed him a neck brace. "Breathe, this may hurt." He said as he leaned me forward to put it on. I winced, but he managed to get the brace on. A paramedic walked over with a stretcher, and placed it on the grounded beside the car. The other paramedic picked me up bridal style and laid me down on the stretcher. As soon as he did, I was surrounded by paramedics. One took my pulse, another listened to my heart. The one by my head placed an oxygen mask over my mouth and nose. "Breathe deeply." He told me and held it there. Realizing that I still hadn't seen my brother, I quickly sat up. I ignored the pain in my head, and tried to stand, but was pushed back down by three paramedics. "You need to lay here." One told me. "No! I need my brother! Where is he?! Where is Liam?!" I yelled. "Your brother is okay, sweetheart. They're checking him out in the ambulance. He's going to be alright. But right now, we need to take care of you." He said and placed the oxygen mask back over my mouth and nose. I slowly started to relax, and before I knew it, I was out.

Liam's POV

I was sitting on the bed in the ambulance while a paramedic cleaned some of the cuts on my head, and chest. "Ow.." I winced as she used alcohol to clean the cuts. "I'm sorry, but we have to clean them." I nodded and let them. I thought came to mind. Morgan! "Where's my baby sister?!" I yelled. "Sir, you need to calm down." She said placing her hand on my shoulder. "No! Where's my sister at?! Is she okay?!" I yelled pushing her away. "They're taking her to the hospital." Was all she said. A billion thoughts were running through my head. Is she hurt? How badly? Is she going to be okay? What if she doesn't make it? All the thoughts overwhelmed me, and I found myself crying. "Sir, she's going to be alright." The paramedic said, giving me a warm smile. She took off her gloves and threw them away. "You're free to go." She told me. I quickly got up, and put my shirt on. I pulled out my phone and quickly dialed my mum's number. She answered after a few rings. "Mum! It's Morgan, we got in an accident, and she's on her way to the hospital. Can you meet us there?!" I said quickly in panic. "Sure sweetie. But are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, mum. I'm fine, but I don't know if she is!" I said in a panic. "Liam, honey, breathe. Everything will be okay. I'll meet you there. Love you." She said before hanging up.

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