Niall-Horse Accident

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Sadie's POV

Today was a big day for me. I have a state rodeo barrel race today. I quickly got ready, and ran out the door. I walked to my pasture to see my horse Black Jack waiting for me. I grabbed a halter and lead, and opened the gate. He walked over to me, and I slipped the halter over his head. "Today's a big day, buddy." I said while rubbing his nose. I lead him over to the fence, and tied him up. I walked into my barn and grabbed my curry comb. I quickly brushed him out, and cleaned out his hooves. "The trailer is ready." My dad told me, and I untied Black Jack and lead him to the gate. "Let's do this buddy." I said before patting his neck. I quickly loaded him, and all of my tack. "Ready?" My mom asked me. "Yep." I smiled back. We all got in and began the hour drive to the arena.

When we finally reached the arena I quickly got out to check on Black Jack. He was ready to get out of the trailer. That's for sure. I quickly untied his lead, and told my dad to open the door. Black Jack quickly backed out, and I grabbed his lead. We have assigned stalls, so I walked to go find his. After finding his stall, I put him in it, and took of the lead rope. I went to go get some water, and hay for him. Once I had him taken care of, I unloaded the rest of the trailer, and went to go get ready. The rodeo should start in about half an hour, and barrel racing is first.

I grabbed Black Jack and tied him to the stall. I brushed him out again, and placed the saddle pad on him. I then grabbed my saddle and threw it over his back. I moved it to the right position, and tightened the back synch. I didn't tighten the front one, because horses tend to suck in when you tighten the synch, so you have to give them time to breathe out before you tighten it all the way. I grabbed his bridle, and slipped it over his head. Making sure the bit was in his mouth, and buckled the bridle. I threw the reins over his head and let them rest on his neck. I walked out of his stall, and grabbed his leg wraps. I walked over to him and started wrapping his legs. I quickly finished, and put the wrap back in my tack box. "All competitors competing in the barrel racing competition, please make your way to the arena." A loud voice said over the speaker. I quickly tightened the other synch, and untied Black Jack leading him out of his stall. I lead him out of the barn, and mounted him. "Sadie Robison will be our first competitor today." The voice said again. I walked Black Jack over to the gate.

He started being froggy, and jumping a little bit. I thought it was just because he was excited. "Ready kid?" My dad asked me while handing me my hat. "You know I am." I said placing my hat on my head. The gun shot went off, and Black Jack took off out of the gate. We quickly went around the first barrel, and made our way to the second. Black Jack turned too sharply and began falling. I knew what to do in these situations. I quickly took my feet out of the stirrups and jumped off. I didn't realize how close I was to the fence. I hit my head hard on the metal bar. I looked up to see Black Jack still on the ground before I blacked out.

"Sadie. Wake up, kid. C'mon." I heard someone say while shaking me. I opened my eyes to see a man kneeling down beside me. He smiled realizing that I had opened my eyes. "Is Black Jack okay?!" I asked concerned about my horse. "Yes, he's alright. You stay still. The paramedics are on the way, kid. Just relax." He told me rubbing my shoulder.

Ten minutes later two paramedics kneeled beside me. "Hey, sweetie Can you tell me your name and age?" He asked me. But I couldn't seem to remember. I shook my head, and started crying because of the pain that shot through my head. "No, no. Stay still, sweetie." He said putting his hand on my stomach. The other paramedic took my pulse, and blood pressure. "Hand me the stethoscope please." The paramedic who told me to stay still said to the other one. He handed him the stethoscope and he placed it on my chest. "Deep breaths, sweetie." He said as he listened to my heart. "Get a stretcher. We need to take her to the hospital." He told the other paramedic. "I'm Jake by the way." The one keeping me still said. Jake took out a light and shined it in my eyes. It hurt so I turned my head away, earning a shooting pain to go through my head. "You've got to stay still, sweetie. Don't move." He told me. The other paramedic came over to me, and lifted my head to put on the neck brace. I winced in pain. "I'm sorry, sweetie. Try to relax." He told me and quickly finished putting it on. "Alright 1..2..3." He said before they slid me onto the stretcher. "You're going to be alright. Just relax." Jake told me before putting me in the ambulance. He placed an oxygen mask over my face. I reached my hands up to take it off, but he stopped me. "This will help you relax. Leave it on." He said sternly and I nodded. He brushed the hair out of my face, and rubbed my forehead gently. "Breathe.." He said quietly. I slowly fell asleep.

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